Sunspot Cycle Pivot Point in Exact Synchronicity with NOAA report

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2): The big storm is over. Now for the little storm. NOAA forecasters say that minor (G1) to moderate (G2) geomagnetic storms are possible today in response to a glancing-blow CME from departing sunspot AR3664. Aurora alerts: SMS Text

PROTONS ARE RAINING DOWN ON EARTH: Giant sunspot AR3664 is no longer facing Earth. That makes it extra dangerous. Right now, the Carrington-class sunspot is passing over the sun’s western limb–a region of the sun that is magnetically connected to our planet. (I’ll say. It’s one of THE OMEGA POINTS FOR TIME but the Feds don’t appear to know that yet. If they do, they keep it secret like they do everything else.) Indeed, we are feeling the effects of that connection; take a look at this map of ongoing radio blackouts:

Red zones in the map show where shortwave radio signals are being absorbed. Frequencies below 20 MHz are almost completely blacked out, a nuisance for long-distance aviators and ham radio operators.

What’s causing this? Protons accelerated by solar flares in the magnetic canopy of AR3664 are following the Parker Spiral back to Earth. Think of it as a magnetic superhighway. Arriving particles are funneled by our planet’s magnetic field toward the poles where they ionize the atmosphere and interfere with the transmission of shortwave radio signals.

This polar cap absorption event could last for days, especially if it is boosted by more flares from AR3664. You can can monitor its progress here.

(It will last for 2 more days while we extend the Red galactic Spectrum of light and sound as of yesterday. In 2 days the 52-day cycle ends and we enter a new 52-day cycle, what we call the Green Central Time Castle of Enchantment. It has to do with Mercury and the Red Moon tribe. In amino acid sequencing is the START CODON, METHIONINE.)

Our brains might sense Earth’s magnetic field just like birds do

By Donna Lu

18 March 2019

New Scientist Default Image

Can you feel that?

SOPA Images Limited / Alamy Stock Photo

What do birds and bees, worms and wolves, fruit flies and fish all have in common? The answer: a magnetic sense that helps them navigate. Now it seems we might do as well.

Joseph Kirschvink at the California Institute of Technology in the US and colleagues found that altering the directions of nearby magnetic fields caused temporary changes in human brain activity.

While sitting still in a dark room, participants’ brain activity was recorded using electroencephalography (EEG), while electromagnetic coils were used to create magnetic fields.

The experiment mimicked the magnetic field changes we are subject to when we move about in the real world, says Kirschvink.

The direction and intensity of Earth’s magnetic field varies by geographical location. For example, at the magnetic north pole, one of two poles where the magnetic field is the strongest, the direction of the field points vertically downwards, into the ground.

In the wider northern hemisphere, this vertical angle changes but the magnetic field is always skewed downwards – meaning that when you hold a compass horizontally, the end pointing north is slightly pulled down. The south-pointing end of some compasses in the northern hemisphere are weighted to compensate for the pull.

Brain change

When the team exposed people to a downward-pointing magnetic field, they saw changes in brain wave patterns when they rotated the field horizontally in a counterclockwise direction .

The team measured alpha waves – present when we are awake but relaxed and with closed eyes – before and after a 100 millisecond change in magnetic field, and found a drop in amplitude in the waves in some people following the rotation.

But no participants showed brain changes when the magnetic field was rotated clockwise, a finding the researchers can’t explain.

Rotating an upwards-pointing magnetic field didn’t cause a change either, which the team speculates may be because the participants’ brains were attuned to the magnetic field of the northern hemisphere, where they conducted the study.  Earth’s magnetic field always points up in the southern hemisphere.

Read more: Birds can ‘see’ the Earth’s magnetic field

“One interesting way to test this hypothesis would be to reproduce our experiment in the southern hemisphere,” says team member Isaac Hilburn.

Claims that humans can detect magnetic fields has long been a source of controversy, but other researchers are cautiously optimistic about the new work.

The team’s approach parallels studies of magnetoreception in animals, says Nathan Putman at LGL, an ecological research firm based in Bryan, Texas. Putman, who studies marine animals including turtles, says the strongest evidence for a magnetic sense is when animals change their direction of travel in response to an altered field.

The possibility that humans could have a magnetic sense is exciting, but the results will need to be replicated, he says. “A sceptic could argue that there’s a lot of reasons why brain waves might change and it may not have anything to do with orientation.”

It is possible the EEGs could have picked up disruptions from the surrounding environment, says Can Xie at Peking University in China, although the study tried to eliminate this, he says. “It is hard to interpret the EEG signal precisely, which makes it difficult to further explore the underlying molecular mechanism at this stage.”

If the results hold up, it may mean that a magnetic sense played a role in the nomadic lives of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, says Hilburn.

eNeuro DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0483-18.2019

Synchronicity Today-Wednesday

11 Glutamine. The Maya symbol is Red 11 Spectral Skywalker

Spectral tone of Liberation

We are on an 11~3pulse, tone 11 to tone 3 dissolving electricity into the ether or creating plasma. In the magnetosphere, they are A2 and Q2 layers. The magnetosphere IS plasma, which is the most abundant form of free floating proteinagenic matter in the universe. The sun and stars are plasma, and so are we. You’ve heard that we’re made of stardust. It’s true.

The perfection of manifestation reveals the path to liberation. To get rid of the bonds of conditioning, to become free means to return to your original openness and purity. The lesson of Tone 11 is to learn to let go of everything that conditions your perception. Just shake it off! Dissolve all vibrations of tension, lies, and fear. Get ready to experience all the great possibilities of being!-the dreamspell

Seal of the Red Skywalker

Research. Space. Awakening. Prophecy. Receive and express the power of Prophecy and Awakening. Actively participate in the revival of the Earth according to the Prophecy. Help her return to her original state of the garden of paradise! Bring the sacred message of the reunification of Heaven and Earth to the world! Boldly entering the unknown, remember that your strength lies in non-attachment to reference points. Dissolve established opinions about yourself! Explore the outer and inner space!
East – initiates.
Solar Plexus Chakra. Fourth finger of the left hand.
Motto: In full wakefulness I explore the unknown.

Timespace Sync

11Mars 3x, Saturn, and 3Venus are evolving time today

  • The Moon in fair-minded Aquarius brings a wave of friendly, progressive, and intelligent energy. This Moon encourages us to gravitate towards unusual and different activities, offering a unique perspective.
  • The Last Quarter Moon, coinciding with the Aquarius Moon’s square to the Sun, signals a time for review and sorting rather than pushing for something new.
  • Until the New Moon on the 7th, it’s a generally better time to tie up loose ends, take inventory, and most importantly, let go if necessary. This period is about understanding what does and doesn’t work for us, empowering us to take control of our lives. Ideally, we channel the quarter Moon’s crisis-oriented energy into productivity.

5gforce for meditation

I activate in order to know. Bonding healing, I seal the store of accomplishment with the electric tone of service. I am guided by the power of magic. I am a glactic activation portal. FOCUS!

Kin 107-Blue Electric Hand


It’s calm. Phew!

A SUPER-SYMPATHETIC SOLAR FLARE: Four solar flares at once? Believe it. During the early hours of April 23rd, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory watched four regions on the sun separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers explode simultaneously. Play the movie and pay attention to the circled areas:

THE SUN, which is helping us evolve and live and sets the alignment of our time harmonic. Humans can’t control it, thankfully.

Play the movie!

The quadruple blast included three sunspots (small circles) and a magnetic filament (big circle). This is called a “sympathetic solar flare.” Sympathetic flares are pairs of explosions that occur almost simultaneously in different active regions. The widely-separated regions appear to be unrelated to one another but, in fact, they are linked by nearly-invisible magnetic loops in the sun’s corona. This allows instabilities to rapidly travel from one to another, creating a chain reaction of explosions.

Today’s sympathetic flare was not a simple pair but a full-fledged quartet, making it super-sympathetic. So much of the sun was involved, it’s likely that at least some of the debris will be Earth-directed. Stay tuned for updates about a possible CME. CME impact alerts: SMS Text

Synchronicity? By Lisa T.

Our guide power is super sympathetic Red 3 Electric Moon; universal feelings, electrified. In addition, the Scorpio full moon will activate tonight. Our 3 Serpent mantra is about survival, bonding instinct and sealing Life Force. Humans have been struggling with our limbic reptilian brain for quite a while and now we are moving into activation of the neo-cortex with the advent of the new generation of kids for the Age of Aquarius. I recommend listening and learning from them instead of trying to project OUR PAST as an older generation on to them.

Synchronicity Today-Friday, 4/12/24

Can you imagine being an accountant during tax time crunch with a Mercury Retrograde in play? 🫨🤓🫤

We land on Maldek mediated White 5 Wizard goddess Ixchel. This is highly karmic since the female and her magic were thrown to the curb by the Reptilians and patriarchy instituted and its karma brought to earth.
The asteroid belt is right next to Mars, still orbiting because its magnetosphere mind memory is holding it in place. This was the planet Tiamat. Every planet has a magnetosphere mind. We call it the Psi Bank.

We are on a 5~9 pulse in the magnetosphere of Earth, which is the Tones of Creation that affect the evolution of DNA. It diversified us in at least 13 ways, according to the 13 tones. These are hertz level pulses of sound that have been proven to affect our cells. Tone 5 is the power of the overtone 5th force and sound which will bring balance to TIME on earth. We are not just in 3 and 4D space time. We are in multidimensional time MANIFESTED on earth and in our bodies. We’ve just been lied to about it and programmed to believe we are just meat slaves that have to die when we’re 80 so they can take all of our money and energy for themselves. Why? Because the Reptilians are dying and need our energy. They chose to fill their bodies with nanites which are toxic to life force. It made them physically bigger temporarily. It doesn’t last and kills the body. It’s like a cosmic steroid. Bad stuff.

Spacetime Sync

Moving in time, we have 5Maldek, Uranus, Jupiter, and 9 Earth.

  • The Moon spends the day in Gemini, and with its sextile to Mercury tonight, it’s a fine time to gather information. Conversations stand out, and shared interests are a likely topic. The Gemini Moon is thought-oriented, talkative, and curious. We adapt quickly to our environment, and our interests and tastes are flexible.
  • However, the Moon’s squares to Saturn and Mars can nonetheless point to interpersonal or inner conflicts. Our responsibilities and ambitions can be loud distractions or concerns in the first half of the day.

The 5gforce

I pulse in order to equalize. Realizing opportunity I seal the store of death with the solar tone of intention. I am guided by the power of spirit.

Kin 126-White 9 Solar World Bridger


The A4 Tone 9 frequency was 7.2hz this morning. As low as I’ve seen it. It is now up to 8hz again in alpha.

Cloudy Weather for Solar Eclipse

SUDDEN QUIET: Solar activity has dropped to low levels as the sun turns a nearly spotless hemisphere toward Earth. Since giant sunspot AR3615 departed last week, the sun’s baseline X-ray output has decreased by about a factor of ten. No solar storms are predicted between now and the April 8th solar eclipse. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text

ECLIPSE WEATHER FORECAST: It’s a terrible time for clouds. The last total eclipse in the USA for 20 years happens on Monday, April 8th, and, according to forecasts, most of the path of totality will be overcast:

Millions of people traveling to statistically-clear areas in Mexico and Texas could find themselves staring at gray clouds instead of the eclipsed sun. Cloudier parts of New England might, ironically, have a better view. will be in Texas on April 8th to launch cameras high above the clouds. We’ll be releasing Earth to Sky cosmic ray research balloons from the path of totality with optics that might catch the Moon’s shadow darkening the clouds below–a potentially unique and beautiful view from the stratosphere. Stay tuned!

Synchronicity Today-Friday-Kin160

I went back and added kin # to each daily sync update for you to review how extraordinary the last 52 days have been, at least since Kin 129 in HF33.

We hit the Stop Codon today to end the 20-day cycle that pivoted time as we ended HF40.

On this run, we had the bigger pivot in HF33 on Blue 1 Monkey, 2/29/24, so we’ve been turning around for 8 harmonics or 40 days. There are five harmonics in a 20-day run cycle. What do we have to say for ourselves after this cycle?

What did the people say in this 20-day run? Measuring Life.

  • Stop the genocide-UN statement on Israel-Gaza and more.
  • Stop the border invasions worldwide-Everyone says it everywhere.
  • Less government-Argentina, Canada, the U.S. (uphill battle, we’re so degenerate)
  • Keep using science to see who we are and who we’ve been. (archeology, astronomy discoveries)
  • Stop harming and killing children and women (trans movement and women being punched in the face in NYC for starters. It’s all over X. Just google it.)
  • Add your own in the comments!

Spacetime Sync

Moving in time are Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, and Neptune for the stop codon, tryptophan, histidine, aspartic acid, and cysteine.

  • The Moon continues its transit of Scorpio until 3:53 PM EDT, bringing passionate yet strategic energy to our day. This transit is wise and discerning, stirring our interest in discovering deeper truths and motives. (Scorpio is ruled by Pluto which is our mediator in time today. Sync)
  • The Sagittarius Moon from 3:53 PM forward is enthusiastic, confident, and forward-looking. Our love of learning, debate, knowledge, sharing, and broadening our horizons is in the spotlight. It’s a time of joyous, philosophical thinking.
  • The Moon is void from 11:41 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Neptune), until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 3:53 PM EDT.


When I give you this full readout in the afternoon, know that these levels ARE happening on the timegates along the bottom; 8, 12 noon, 18dusk, and 0midnight. And it adjusts as the seasons change.

THE TMEGATES ARE REAL. IT’S AMAZING TO SEE ON HERE, just as Earth Ascending says. The Maya were on 👉 point.

The frequencies go down now when amp and qfactor go up. I’ve seen it for 4 months. It’s being “managed” for us.

The 5gforce for uplevel

I perfect in order to enlighten. Producing life I seal the matrix of universal fire with the planetary tone of manifestation. I am guided by the power of elegance. I am a polar kin. I extend the yellow galactic spectrum. (In sync with entering the new Yellow 52-day cycle 3 days ago)

Kin140-Yellow 10 Planetary Sun (20 kin from today in the other direction, same tribe)

Yellow Sun and White Dog both do this. After 20 days the theme and 5gforce match at the level of Hidden Wisdom (the mother). To me, this locks in the Trinity (White 13 Dog and the Dog tribe in general) with being responsible to the Creator, the CEO of our local universe with an updated report on our progress. It’s a memo to Galactic Center. Our universe is managed and organized with an administration. The Harmonic keeps things organized physically and the magnetosphere sound keeps things level for diversification of all species.

April 8, 2024, Imminent Total Solar Eclipse. Amazing Sync with HF33.

Today is Thursday, 3/28/2024 and people are talking this up again. Better take a closer look. I recommend calm, not hype. But be centered.

April 8, 2024

I’ve never seen such powerful synchronicity in the Harmonic for the 35 years I’ve been tracking since 1990. As Harmonic veterans know, HF33 is the center of the pivot in time from past to future so strong that we sit in the NOW point and the Christ center of kin 130 in HF33 It is White 13 Dog. Add 1, and you have the occult partner and the fifth dimensional galactic force. Newbs to this information can laugh all they want, but it’s the real deal. I’ve been tracking synchronicity for 30+ years, and it’s never wrong.

It looks like this in 4D Time. We just passed this 5gforce yesterday’s, yesterday. You read that right because of the leap day on 2/29.

April 8, the full solar eclipse IS THE 5GFORCE,  the 5th dimensional galactic force FOR WHITE 13 COSMIC DOG, THE VERY CENTER OF THE HARMONIC,  KIN130, IN HF33.😵. The Sun channels Source from Galactic Center, so this is a new beginning of cosmic proportions coming to earth via the sun as all things come via the sun.

April 8, 2024

This is the ultimate challenge to the DS C$%^& and DC. The seat of quite a bit of evil and misuse of money and power.

This is a big deal. Prepare your body/mind over the next month. Anyone who is about evil/error all the time, or trying to nullify Christ’s presence on this planet which they’ve done for millenia, are going to freak out because their days are numbered.

Good. We deserve better on this planet, and they are in the way.

Look at the NASA link below.

Synchronicity Today-Tuesday kin157

We begin a new 13-day cycle on an ALPHA POINT and a new HF40-A self-existing matrix to learn to regulate the universal fire of holding FORM. (The body). This is Red Earth 13-day cycle, the power of synchronicity and navigation of our evolving matrix.

We also started a new 52-day cycle; the Court of intelligence to ripen consciousness from the Sun. It’s the Yellow Southern Castle of Giving. For 52 days we ponder what we have to give, to share with others, but also what we need to be able to accomplish that. Reciprocation is important. We all need to give and receive.

This is YiChing 56-The Wanderer in 3D. We’re all wandering on this planet of apparent manifestation. Sometimes we need GPS or a compass to find our way. That tells us where we are on the planet or the road to take, but our Oracle tells us where to go IN TIME and in our relationships with others and who those others of our tribe may be. What makes life worth living for you? Superficial or Spiritual?

It always amazes me how taken people are with what they see in front of their eyes but they live their lives alone, without love or real friends that they trust or feel bonded to. The TIME WARP on our planet and tech focus creates isolation for so many. Getting synced up with Universal time and the meaning of having an evolving soul can change our planet for the better. Maybe we can create a community again. I’m not immune from what has happened over four years and struggle with trusting humans again. It’s easy to become cynical.

Spacetime Sync

1Uranus, Earth 2x, and 13 Seed Jupiter are moving in time. This is a 13~1 pulse in the Magnetosphere.

  • With a Libra Moon today, we seek to harmonize and balance our lives. Our need to connect, compromise, and negotiate is in full bloom. This transit is conciliatory and gracious, helping us see the other side of a story.
  • Still, the Moon opposes Mercury this evening, and there can be a disconnect between our emotions and intellect. Minor disagreements, especially about sensitivity to feelings, are more likely now. There can be a battle between our need to consult with others and our desire to go our own way.
  • The Moon is void from 7:10 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Mercury), until the Moon enters Scorpio the next day, Wednesday, March 27th, at 5:04 AM EDT.

The 5GForce of Uplevel of Mind-Body

I endure in order to dream. Transcending intuition I seal the input of abundance with the cosmic tone of presence. I am guided by the power of accomplishment

Kin 143-Blue 13 Night

This kin is pulsing off of the OMEGA POINT so we are spiraling in time for sure.

Synchronicity Today-Wednesday-Kin 137

URANUS-Age of Aquarius

Today is Red 7 Resonant Earth governing synchronicity and mediated by Uranus.

Channeling just happens when you meditate and get the Central Axis spinning. Even 10 minutes a day is beneficial. You could just ask,”What do I need to see today?” You may get one word or one symbol or something else. Attune yourself to natural messages.

We begin a new HF35 today, 4 days after the end of HF33 and the epic time pivot. Today we have another pivot. It’s the Return Body Node Point REVOLUTION (which is Aquarius and Uranus!)-“Everything is done in.” Well, it is for them but not us who have been undeservedly on the butt end of their usage. The energies are opening up for us to live our truth and have what we need. This is a cleansing time.

HF35 is a Planetary Matrix to self-regulate the universal fire of manifestation as we move to Yellow 10 Sun by Saturday. The YiChing Hx is 49: Revolution-Molting which is what birds do when they drop their feathers. For us that would be unneeded layers on our bodies whether it be fat or the defensive armoring of too much muscle. Individuals do what they need to do to feel safe on this abusive planet. Fat accentuates DEFENSIVE INTERNAL QI and too much hard muscle accentuates DEFENSIVE EXTERNAL QI. I’ve seen it in my office for 25 years. Our culture demands we lie about our true feelings-it has for millenia. Now it can come out.

Every day since 2/29/24, I’ve felt happy when I wake up as though a huge burden of BS has been lifted. My brain no longer feels irradiated, and my body is happy to lighten up. How do you feel since the time pivot in HF33? We’re on a new path.

Our Guide Power is Red 7 Resonant Moon or feelings that resonate with others. Stay observant today as you circulate in the collective. Stay open to guidance from Spirit. With HF33 protected now from nefarious,  people are waking up and releasing, able to speak their truth. Emotion may rush forward.

Be supportive of your fellows and yourself. If someone needs a hug, do so. We all have layers to unpeel from oppression on this planet that we did not cause. No guilt. Just free and heal yourself. Be good.

Spacetime Sync

Uranus, Mercury, Earth, and Jupiter are all pulsing on the 7~7 pulsar in time today so this energy is circling continuously.

The astrological alignments seem to be at the tail end of yesterday’s time pulse. We have some lag time which I see often when the two dimensions are trying to sync. Yesterday had Mars mediating the antipode and Capricorn loomed large. It still does today because of the moon placement. I feel it has to do with the Tiamat karma. It changes time because people’s minds are still waking up to the truth.

  • The Sun forms a semi-square with Pluto this morning, suggesting a struggle to let go of the inconsequential. We might crave a sense of control over events, relationships, and circumstances, becoming frustrated at any sign that we don’t have it. Tensions can surface if we’ve been holding onto worries and concerns. The more we bottle up, the more pressure builds. However, healthier strategies are easier to come by as the day advances.
  • A Mars-Chiron sextile is gently motivating, generating enthusiasm and healing power. An opportunity can arise to take the lead or take action that leads to healing, cleansing, or teaching. We can feel a pleasant, motivating sense of mission, and we’re fearless about addressing problem areas. The drive to take affirmative action is with us, most likely to defend or help ourselves and others. We want to fix problems and latch onto projects and activities that give us a stronger sense of purpose.
  • The Moon continues its transit of responsible Capricorn until 7:39 PM EST, when it moves into fair-minded Aquarius. The Moon is void from 2:36 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Neptune), until the Moon enters Aquarius at 7:39 PM EST. (Our theme and analog are mediated by URANUS at the same time as the Moon enters Aquarius which is ruled by Uranus in 3D.


The 5GForce for meditation or mudra

I channel in order to dream. Inspiring intuition I seal the input of abundance with the resonant tone of attunement. I am guided by the power of vision.

Kin163-Blue 7 Resonant Night