The Owners of Google, the most powerful company in the world. Larry Page’s birth gateway.

I got the most offensive, aggressive call last week about my google business listing that I’ve had for 25 years. They censored the NAME of my business, and they deleted my google business listing. The guy hung up on me, and now they’ve called me 3 days in a row. I have not called them back. It’s a blindside attack because once again, I’m an outlier. I cause no trouble to them. I’m just different from everyone else in this town listed on Google as bodyworkers.

Sundar Pichai is the CEO. I’m not sure Larry Page is still in charge. He just owns most of the shares with another guy, maybe. This situation is in flux, and Elon posted about Google last week before this happened, probably thinking about buying them out. I’ve asked him to try to take them over. Google needs to cease existing as they are now. They are illegal and unacceptable, like Facebook.

Larry Page, Owner of Google Alphabet, Inc. Birth gateway

This is divisive communication and spirituality.  Mediated by Uranus. I bet his neck hurts a lot. Uranus frequencies affect the neck. 🤷‍♀️

He is an Aries Sun and White 2 Polarizing Wind ruled by Uranus. His antipode, Yellow 2 Human, is in HF33, so he is one of the shadow hackers of HF33.

On December 4, 2019, along with his co-founder, Brin, they stepped down from all executive positions and day-to-day roles within the company. He remains an Alphabet Inc. board member, employee, and controlling shareholder.

JFKJr. has a blue check verified account on

This is John John, JFK’s son who reportedly died in a plane crash in 1999. I don’t know what to tell you. If X verified it, his IDENTITY is verified. That’s why they want people blue checked on there to stop the scam.

Is he alive? We’ll see.

The Matrix Clarified-Important

abstract technology science concept DNA binary on hi tech blue background

Jose Arguelles released the multi-density Dreamspell in 1990. He preceeded Hollywood in defining the process of natural, earth centered.DNA evolution before Cabal controlled Hollywood hacked the meaning of Matrix in a sci-fi movie series and suggested humans would be 4D programs grown in an A.I. machine universe without a soul who had an old white haired man as the source architect. This guy was a super mathematician and essentially heartless and reviled love. He said it to Neo’s face in Matrix Reloaded. After he gave Neo two evil, destructive choices, Neo said, “You better not be here when I get back” Hacker Jesus (what the 20-somethings call him) Neo said that to Hacker God sitting in his computer chair.

That whole scene was so offensive and ignorant regarding who God is. Check out the Urantia Book for better information. Better yet check our your own heart in meditation for the truth..

The first kin to use the word matrix in its mantra is Red Earth, tribe 17. It is the matrix of navigation. Then White Mirror, tribe 18 is the matrix of endlessness. Blue Storm, #19 is the matrix of self-generation, Yellow Sun, tribe 20 is the matrix of universal 🔥 fire. That’s it.

The rest of the action, starting with tribe #1, Red Dragon, is input, then store, process, and output. The matrix is only formed with the last 4 tribes and its a natural matrix OF EARTH, not machine. Note their amino acids; phenyalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan and stop codon. Proline is in there as a minor stop codon also whose 3 letter nucleotide oversees a few harmonics.

In the fictional Matrix movies they depict all DNA life as computer programs, 32-bit I suppose and that is in exact synchronicity with the I Ching oracle. There is that word oracle, also in sychronicity with the movies. And the role of the oracle was played by a loving black woman who was like a grandmother. That’s a direct hack of the loom of the 13 moons also, keeping to the female.

Zion is Israel, Nebuchadnezzar II, also spelled Nebuchadrezzar II, was their ship. He was the second king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, ruling from the death of his father Nabopolassar in 605 BC to his own death in 562 BC. Historically known as Nebuchadnezzar the Great, he is typically regarded as the empire’s greatest king. Wikipedia. These folks were Mesopatamian TIME THIEVES. Just sayin’.

The Merovingian come up in the movie. Better look at this link and read up on it.

The key maker was Chinese. That is a synchronicity with the I Ching oracle brought forward around 1000 B.C. The I Ching’s actual discovery and much of its early history are the stuff of legends. The keys are the hexagrams decoded as our amino acid nucleotides. That dude had ALL the keys but said he couldn’t do it anymore. Then he was killed by a Smith swarm, an analogy to modern day sex-trafficking cabal.

The I Ching

The I Ching has served for thousands of years as a philosophical taxonomy (every key to every gateway) of the universe, a guide to an ethical life, a manual for rulers, and an oracle of one’s personal future and the future of the state. It was an organizing principle or authoritative proof for literary and arts criticism, cartography, medicine, and many of the sciences, and it generated endless Confucian, Taoist, Buddhist, and, later, even Christian commentaries, and competing schools of thought within those traditions.

In China and in East Asia, it has been by far the most consulted of all books, in the belief that it can explain everything. In the West, it has been known for over three hundred years and, since the 1950s, is surely the most popularly recognized Chinese book. With its seeming infinitude of applications and interpretations, there has never been a book quite like it anywhere. It is the center of a vast whirlwind of writings and practices, but is itself a void, or perhaps a continually shifting cloud, for most of the crucial words of the I Ching have no fixed meaning.

The origin of the text is, as might be expected, obscure. In the mythological version, the culture hero Fu Xi, a dragon or a snake with a human face, studied the patterns of nature in the sky and on the earth: the markings on birds, rocks, and animals, the movement of clouds, the arrangement of the stars. He discovered that everything could be reduced to eight trigrams, each composed of three stacked solid or broken lines, reflecting the yin and yang, the duality that drives the universe. The trigrams themselves represented, respectively, heaven, a lake, fire, thunder, wind, water, a mountain, and earth. (NATURE) These 8 trigrams (3 letter amino acid nucleotides) multiply by 8 to make 64 nucleotides which make up the genetic code. They are seen as 64 harmonics with 4 gates each in the Tzolkin Harmonic Oracle.

The Tzolkin Harmonic takes it from there and multiplies 64 x 4 to bring the genetic code up to 256. The last 4 are in HF33 which has been hacked by the cabal for millenia by SMITH in a Hollywood, analyst, BLUE PILL kind of way. We await full activation of our 65 quantum DNA nucleotides so that we are in 13:20:260 code from the earth, not A.I Zion run by machines out of control.

Trinity is resurrected as White 13 Cosmic Dog which fully opens HF33, kin130. Binary 101, zeros and ones’s, the address of Hacker God in the control Room, isn’t going ro cut it in the new world. It’s in my book as a very short section. I remember putting it in thinking, “This is remedial. Why bother?”

Love from Galactic Center via the Sun is quantum code but it isn’t computers, robots or machines. It’s US, our bodies and minds aligned with the universe and the 13 Moons.

Book Review-Elon Musk Bio

Published about a month ago, 2023, written by Walter Issacson.

It’s a thick, long, book

For our purposes, Elon is White 3 ELECTRIC 🙂 Worldbridger. Just search on his name to see his birth oracle on this blog. Yes, he is fulfilling his electrified destiny as a Tone 3 in a big way with his publicly traded company, Tesla. He makes EVs and owns Solar City. He’s all up in everything, solar and electric, yet he is mightily offloaded on by the big oil and legacy auto lefties who say they care about climate change. Right.

I have a feeling given Doges’s post this morning that he wants to use his supercomputer DOJO powered by AI and his Pytorch program to transcend electrical 🔌 power.

I put a bug in his ear about blowing binary out of the water, so now he’s trying to do it with AI. I’ve already done it by figuring out the body codes. When we talked, he said he would support the lab experiment, but now we don’t trust each other. We ran into a situation is all I’ll say.

Human bodies are living quantum computers. It shouldn’t be a stretch to enlighten the 0 and 1 in the object code section of the computer architecture with my numbers. But I took my book off of Amazon so…I have it, not him. Plus, he doesn’t think it can be done. I think it can. It’s odd for Elon to say he doesn’t think it can be done, right? Maybe it was a fake Elon or a parody Elon. Or maybe it’s bc I’m a girl.

We talked! And he was very into THIS, everything I talk about on here, but as you know, I’m still working on it. Elon is very alpha and very bossy, more than me. He thinks he owns the planet, and Mars, nor should he have to abide by our laws or cooperate. He is a tad out of hand, and Walter puts that forward in the book.

He was very sweet to me and tried to give me a Tesla, but I said no. He got mad. I didn’t think it was appropriate since we haven’t met, and I don’t do quid pro quo with men. I can’t be bought, even by the richest man in the world. But he was respectful to me. I respect Elon, but he can’t boss me the way he does everyone. I’m not his employee and won’t be. Nor am I capable of obedience to anyone.

Every section of this book shows how disposable people are to him. He loves going off on them and firing them. He also inpires people and has had huge success with his ideas, making Tesla worth 1 TRILLION dollars. Hats off to the man, but at the expense of relationships.

It’s his way or the highway, that’s for sure. I have to say, if I were training students on how to do what I do, I would be as strict because my way works. It’s not easy or shortcuts, but that’s how it is. I get it.

11 Children with 3 Women

He has 5 children with Justine Wilson, his first wife, a published author whom he fought with fiercely. One baby died of SIDS. She is Red 5 Earth.

His second wife, Talulah Riley, is 3Worldbridger, just like him!. No children. He married her twice and then divorced. She took care of Justine’s kids with him domestically.

His next woman, Amber Heard, is a White 3 Wizard goddess with whom he had major karma/conflict, no marriage, no kids. It’s all in the book, but as usual, synchronicity and karma are real in relationships.

He also has 3 children with Grimes, Yellow 8 Galactic Star, no marriage, not in love, now separated, and 2 with Shivon Zillis of Neurolink, no marriage, not in love She is Red Dragon like his mother, who is Red 1 Dragon.

He has sired 11 children, which he is handily judged for but has not made a home with any of them in CA or TX. The dude is not domestic, obviously, but maybe on some level wishes he could be.

Elon is a lot like Dave, White 4 Wizard, Alex’s dad. All of my mates have been ADHD or Asbergers, so I know what I’m hearing and seeing with Elon. Jason, Dave, and Michael, my mates, were all on the spectrum. I probably am, too. I’m attracted to it in men, but I don’t want to live with it again. I can’t do it, and I have my own projects to work on. I can work with a man on the spectrum, though, and Elon and I talked about it. We’ll see.

The book is a fascinating expose on human behavior regarding how average intelligence people feel and interpret aggressively brilliant, successful people. The human habit is jealously, resentment, fear, social attack and eventually crucifixion. Welcome to earth if you are in any way very different from others.

He really does try very hard to get along with and be patient with others. I totally understand. But he/we get so bored with daily life. I have 10 new ideas a day yet have to keep bothering with food, groceries, bills, the car, patients, etc. Still, that’s the deal on this planet, and we are no different having to take care of boring stuff.

I recommend this book. Walter Isaacson does not paint Elon in a very attractive light, but it is a bio and needs to be truthful. He is most definitely an interesting character and one I am observing.

Watch “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | Teaser Trailer” on YouTube

“The Dial of Destiny”…🤔😂

Gee,.what might the C%^&* on its last legs be referring to?

The Mayan Calendar Round, the sacred harmonic, the 13 Moon Calendar of Destiny, The dial found in the Dreamspell kit that I bought in 1990 that Jose Arguelles and his team channeled or found, or somehow figured out and then created a handheld dial. Then, it was turned into a computer app.

One last time, time thief, Luciferian Hollywood is trying to hack or make fun of synchronicity found in the True Time harmonic that is actually…US and all DNA life on Earth, manifested in our bodies, in the CNS brain and spinal cord.

It looks low budget to me. I wonder how they convinced Harrison Ford to do it?

Maybe there was a clause in his contract with the studio that they owned him, and he had to do the part for the rest of his life if they summoned him. That’s how they are, like the military draft. God, I’m glad I didn’t end up working in Hollywood. The universe had bigger plans for me.

Twitter Affected? by EU Censorship as New Global Info Controls Roll Out. It depends.

You need to watch this whole video!

This is what the psychopath C%^&* does when our friendly E.T. stop their ability to start WWIII, destroy the planet and humanity, and completely disrupt the COSMIC web.

I look forward to their everlasting exile so that we can get on with universe sanctioned natural evolution. Good riddens. I wouldn’t bet on Elon bowing to anything. He’ll go beast mode is my guess.

Intelligence Agencies Buying Vast Amounts of Sensitive Data on Americans

Why? Seriously.

In a way that far fewer Americans seem to understand, and even fewer of them can avoid, CAI [commercially available information] includes information on nearly everyone that is of a type and level of sensitivity that historically could have been obtained” only by targeted intelligence gathering capabilities, such as search warrants, wiretaps, and surveillance, which must be predicated by means like court orders.

True Time Update for Blue 1 Monkey in HF33. We Are Half Way through the Time Bubble of HF33

This is 5 days before 6/18/23 when the amps went to 190!!

The Axis of the Eternal Present, but this is Implicate Order so no 3 or 4D. Just 5D.

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Earth, Mars, The asteroid belt (blown up Tiamat), Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Our little neighborhood that is home. Be a good cosmic neighbor to other stellar species. Don’t blow stuff up.

4DTime Evolution

Today we have Tone 1 Monkey Asparagine, 1Star Leucine, 1Monkey Asparagine, 1Dragon Cysteine, and 13Dog Aspartic Acid evolving in us. This amounts to a clear vibe of MAYA or ILLUSION. Really, folks, to a high degree, what we experience and feel in 3D is just an Earth Movie in the holographic matrix. Monkey teaches us that we need to PLAY and let go of ego and frustration, competition, greed, all the vices that put us in a bad mood and cause us to treat ourselves and others badly and be less serious. Lighten up. Earth is an experimental zone and our bodies and physical awareness can be a JOY, not a problem if we just realize that it will all pass. This too shall pass has been true for 4 billion years on earth. Humans are only 1 million years old. We’re little babies here so don’t clench too tightly to what goes on here. It is of epic importance that you are kind to yourself and others, love, breathe, be happy, play, and share.

3D Astrology

We hit Blue 1 Magnetic Monkey today mediated by Venus in 4D and in total synchronicity with 3D astronomy. Astrology is just an ancient interpretation of astronomical facts. I suppose, like spirituality, some of astrology is up for interpretation.

All Zodiac Signs
The Sun is in Gemini
  • Some minor discontent on social levels can be in store today with Venus in minor challenging aspect to Saturn and the Sun.
  • Venus forms a quincunx to Saturn this morning, and we can feel torn between different desires, situations, or viewpoints. The dilemma could be between pleasure and responsibility, and perhaps not able to fully appreciate or deal with either.
  • With this afternoon’s Venus-Sun semi-square, we might watch for a tendency to go overboard in seeking others’ appreciation. We can be especially sensitive to imbalances in our environment and relationships. What we want to do and think we should do can be at odds now, and we may not be very productive or decisive with this kind of discontent. Ideally, we look for creative solutions for dissatisfaction. It’s best to get in touch with our needs and watch for overindulging or procrastinating.
  • Mercury’s semi-square to Chiron (tonight at dusk, The Hidden Wisdom, White 13 Dog mediated by Mercury!) points to further hesitation in making decisions. This transit challenges us to communicate with more sensitivity.
  • The Moon continues its transit of straightforward Aries until 2:31 PM EDT, when it heads into steady Taurus. The Moon is void from 2:26 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Pluto), until the Moon enters Taurus at 2:31 PM EDT.


Biden Administration Hit With Class-Action Lawsuit Over Pressuring Big Tech to Censor Users

Good. He’s abridging the Constitution at every turn. Free Speech? Free will, all Tzolkonic values.