Heartset; Relevancy

I wrote this in 2019.

Are we really only relevant to the extent that other human beings find us relevant? Isn’t that why people have dogs and cats? You’re always relevant to your pet if only because they need you to feed them. If you need to be needed, you need to feel relevant. I guess I need to express myself more than be considered relevant.

Or maybe we do literally need to be perceived as relevant in order to make money. That’s really what underlies our actions. We just need money. We have to have money to survive. Many people know how to fake care about others for accolades, fame, sales, and money. Their ego just needs attention. Mine don’t mostly because I find it boring and tedious.

The issue here is that there are many superb people doing fabulous work that are irrelevant to the masses because the masses don’t see or appreciate fabulous work. That is the case for many brilliant artists, and it remains that way until they die. I’m not doing fabulous work at the moment, so that’s not the case for me. If I was doing fabulous work, I wouldn’t look for the masses to appreciate it, though.

What about relevant to yourself? We’re always more relevant to ourselves than we are to others because they don’t live in our bodies or with us. That’s kind of the crux of it. That is the case for me. I wish I could be paid to be improving my body, which is what I’m preoccupied with. Instead, I live in a system that wants me to pay it to be sick. If I take care of myself and don’t need their pills, surgery, or visits, I’m irrelevant. So they work very hard to convince me and everyone else that there is something wrong with us and we need them. That’s just vacant and evil.

This was a very weird day. My intuition was in high gear, and I just rolled with it as usual. Yes, I do want to eventually be relevant because human empowerment to live in balance, not overtop of all life, is a good thing. That’s what I care about. I find that relevant.

Mindset; Life in Between Writing


Does the life inside my head, when I’m not writing, count as my Life?

Or do I have to go outside and be around people to observe and participate in that stuff in between writing for that to count as my Life?

Or does the time I’m just being empty-headed, doing and thinking nothing and not writing count as my Life?

I think it all counts. Thoughtforms tend to be phantasms but they’re really not ya know. The preponderance is on the action in our society but it’s not that way for writers. Thought forms are picked up by the mind and manifested into the cells of the body.

When the sky is gray, like today, or it’s snowing, all of nature brings a variation that causes lip licking and nose blowing with a temperamental euphoria that distinctly tastes like the air. I love the smell of the crisp air in Michigan winter. This is my life in between writing.

I just want to drink my Earl Grey tea and sit in my chair writing my latest musing. When my mind is swirling, my body won’t.

For now, watching the rhythmic drips from my roof out my window will do.

Prose; Spiralling Paradox


The gravity of each individual Mind pulls us and keeps us in the body, giving off a specific gift, look, flavor, color, and feel.

Individual cells dance with electromagnetic charge set in motion by our feelings and thoughts.

Complete…we can co-create just as we are right now.

Yet gravity still makes us spiral as One toward The Center, all touching and affecting each other.

It’s a paradox.

We are individuals yet we are One.


Prose; Spiraling Paradox

ImageThe gravity of each individual Mind pulls us and keeps us in the body, giving off a specific gift, look, flavor, color, and feel.

Individual cells dance with electromagnetic charge set in motion by our feelings and thoughts.

Complete…we can co-create just as we are right now.

Yet gravity still makes us spiral as One toward The Center, all touching and affecting each other.

It’s a paradox.

We are individuals yet we are One.

Everyday Spirituality Vs. Materialism

Materialistic values demean intuition and praise rationality, are seen and enforced by the media, educational institutions (schools), churches, behaviorists, (psychology and psychiatry), modern M.D. and healthcare. Take your pills and make sure you have a bulletproof backpack are their mantras. “Be realistic! Make sense!” Whose sense? Add governments, banks, and similar ilk in there.

As you can see, The irrational Matrix is far-reaching. This is all true insanity and it’s out of hand. They even set fire to the Amazon rain forest, I guess because they no longer believe humans need air to breathe nor want us to have it? There is something very creepy going on. I think materialism has brainwashed and frightened many people to the point that they’ll accept death in any way it’s handed to them from the elite. (I wrote this PRE COVID) They feel powerless to focus their own minds on their vision. It’s cultish and dystopian but I see it happening.

Materialism Creates Disunity

Materialism is considered reality, what’s real, and what we should all be following and obeying if we’re good citizens, neighbors, and sane people. Lying and faking, putting on a plastic face and a plastered smile, women dolled up ready for sex and men the takers is the poster with a shiny new car behind them. All of this is considered normal and good. If you deviate, or are different, have brown skin, use big words, love yourself or have faith, you’re not stable?

Spirituality is about UNITY and PEACE between cultures. ONE human race.

Enter spirituality, exit religion. Church membership is declining and the Spiritual movement is on the rise. Holism is coming forward (my field), art and artists are starting to be acknowledged. The foundation of the Spiritual movement is ART and personal freedom of expression, interdependence and a unique individual perception that is a personal truth but not a societal dogma. To each his own; together. Many artists understand QI which unpins the Chinese civilization, 1.3 billion strong, the largest in the world. Their art from every level, as well as their medicine rivals the west.

The western religions were compliant and the right-hand helper of materialism as they are in a subconscious headlock as well. They are sexually deviant, addicted to all manner of substance, perverse, and love money and power under the guise of salvation and safety from hell damnation. This is the subconscious mind from their parents. The leaders of the churches are also down the rabbit hole. They need to hide too. Government and religion have long been bedfellows for more sex and money than is imaginable. They are an enslaved people looking to enslave others so the truth doesn’t come out.

Their mutual cooperation defines world history and the ascent of the mythological genetic line in the institution of the family, none of which is based on science at all. Genetic determinism is not scientifically valid; it’s dead according to the experts. Morphic resonance is a better theory as well as the imprint of the family on subconscious programming. It all comes from our environment and it shows up in cell biology! Quantum physics is shedding light on all of it.

At odds with religion back in the day was Science. Science calls on the higher, intellectual faculty of the conscious mind informed by free-will and choice. It reads, thinks, and is a critical thinker. One has to be calm to do that. That is at direct odds with the emotional indulgence and drama of a repressed childhood. Scientists have work to do. We are now getting closer to modern spirituality approaching modern science. The Earth is not flat, it’s round. We revolve around the sun, the sun doesn’t revolve around us; little facts like that that are still challenged by religionists today. Much blood has been spilled over scientific fact and by scientists themselves for daring to challenge church dogma that required a blood sacrifice.

It feels like getting uppity and empowered took us too long and while humanity was maturing, the elite was ripping off and ripping into the planet to end all of it for god knows what purpose. The climate has hit a tipping point while we wake up. Now what?

Spirituality is judged handily by unimaginative and indolent behaviorists who themselves are likely addicts but busy none the less with calling intuition, Reiki, ESP, and psychic mediums schizotypy. Kudos to the dude that came up with that word. I call them materialists who might feel very comfy in a church pew ruminating nostalgically over their time on a swingset. A step forward would be an art class, a jazz gig, hang-out with some cool cats and lose the stiff upper lip of intellectualizing love and creativity because you can’t or won’t take the leap and do it yourself. Those who won’t do it only analyze from the outside.

Materialism = subconscious programming from the family, 95% of personal action

Spirituality = conscious control programming (mindfulness and high intelligence) of the subconscious mind and minimizing the family to 40% of personal action, 60% to your own mind.

We seek a more creative, spiritual, peaceful world where everyone’s needs are met, including animals and plants, cultures are celebrated and acknowledged and it is understood that biologically, there is no such thing as race. We are ONE race; human, made of thousands of cultures and our entire lives and everything we do is founded in Love.

Body Truth; Our Bodies are Pure Emotion


It’s safe to say it’s easy to lose respect for someone that doesn’t like or respect how you process your feelings or for men who don’t process their feelings at all. It always comes out in the body silently; usually in an eating disorder or some other illness. The person doesn’t have to say a word and many times won’t because they’re being harassed for who they are naturally by some around them. Its already been proven that the feelings and thoughts go directly into the cells of the body if a person can’t discuss it or say it for fear of more offloading from others. There’s nowhere else for it to go. Here is my article on it with page numbers that will refer you to the specific lab tests done at the NIH proving it!

Emotion carrying peptides in our bodies cells

EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS FEELINGS WHETHER THEY’RE AWARE OF THEM OR NOT. NO ONE IS 100% RATIONAL OR LEFT BRAINED ONLY. It’s a neurological impossibility. Therefore it’s a big human need for us to express our feelings, not just our thoughts or opinions all the time. That leads to a dead-end; usually, a hypocritical one where you can say anything that’s expedient to sell something and then turn around in your private life and be exceedingly messed up. It’s almost expected in American culture to have a messed up private life.


Remember that name-calling by others is just your refusal to adjust for their benefit. Plus, they feel guilty about being who they are and are projecting it onto you. I personally have no shame or guilt. I know if I do something wrong (not on purpose but it’s still a mistake), I fix it either in myself or with the other person.  I’ve been called;

  • freak by my sister
  • different by my dad
  • too sensitive by my son’s father
  • defensive by my mom
  • lost
  • very talented
  • very smart
  • great singer with a unique voice
  • cool
  • good writer
  • unique
  • Princess (by my fiance Michael who died)
  • good hugger
  • hot and sweet
  • funny

You see it’s a mixed bag there but what is interesting are the people closest to me who know me best revile me and are hateful. That’s been going on my whole life. Halfway through my life now, I’ve realized there is no amount of love or patience that can heal a sick soul. I’m done. Also, note that the ones who say the worst things to you die early are already dead or ill. It’s their own self-loathing that makes them lash out and treat you like shit. They treat themselves like shit and it’s your duty to stay away from them and love yourself and keep improving, even if they are family members or especially because they are family members. That is what my book “Healer” is about.

It happens all the time and depending on the circumstances and how much you need to depend on the circumstances will decide whether you adjust or not. We are a social creature but our socializing is with all life, not just with humans. Many people are better friends with their pet than another human being. I totally get that. I feel that way about trees. Not squirrels though. They’re jerks. Robins are cool.

Humans are the most challenging life form with which to socialize because most are still functioning in the primate brain. Monkeys have been known to start fights on purpose, just because they feel like it, kill each other and then eat their own kind; cannibalism. That DNA is in all of us unless you are Rh-negative blood type. It’s the Rhesus monkey factor. I believe it’s contributed to a host of anti-social behavioral problems in humans but it’s obvious it’s there. Rh-negative folks are behaviorally very different than Rh-positive.

I recommend that everyone find a way to express and develop your vision and creative self. You’ll need to get to work on it. Think positively about what you WANT to happen and don’t worry about what COULD happen. Those wishes and feelings are very powerful when applied to yourself. It’s worked gangbusters for me and really IS the intuition. Go for it! Do it silently unless you have a friend who really loves and takes care of themselves. Then they won’t attack you as your life and body improve. If you have just one person who says, “Awesome”, you’re fortunate.


Everyday Spirituality; Confidence or Faith?

purple woman

I’ve recently been told I need to show more confidence. ?? Confidence is the ego. There is no rational reason for confidence based on the facts of time and space.

  • Death is imminent as are unjust taxes.
  • Lies you tell and live will always come to light.
  • Nothing “great” you do will be remembered longer than 100 years.
  • Once generations are overturned we are all forgotten and the youth take over.
  • The money you make or accumulate and the things you make or accumulate can’t be taken with you.
  • Only the great and true work you do will be used with your name scratched off once you’re dead. Our entire existence rests on the nameless shoulders of those who have come before and put their shoulder to the wheel at all levels of society.

Over-confidence is what makes our society and social media insufferable for people who live in Spirit and follow their intuition. FAITH is the spiritual version of egoistic confidence, the EVIDENCE of things not seen. Faith is rooted in Love. Faith and Love are rational and real. They are a silent vibe and last for eternity. It’s the only thing that is rational on this planet. My actions and work on this planet are based in faith, not confidence. I’m not confident about anything and believe even less. I follow no one and worship no one. I just respond to Life.

Sorry to disappoint the fame seekers who think people like me are losers and have no problem insulting me and calling me names because I don’t want to be put on a pedestal just to be knocked off of it. I have no time for that nonsense and care about its fruits even less. I love myself no matter what you say, I always have what I need because I work with the Universe, and I don’t need approval or understanding from humans because I rationally know that it won’t be forthcoming because of who I am.


Heartset; Relevancy

IMG_20161127_165541.jpgAre we really only relevant to the extent that other human beings find us relevant? Isn’t that why people have dogs and cats? You’re always relevant to your pet if only because they need you to feed them. If you need to be needed, you need to feel relevant. I guess I need to express myself more than be considered relevant.

Or maybe we do literally need to be perceived as relevant in order to make money. That’s really what underlies our actions. We just need money. We have to have money to survive. Many people know how to fake care about others for accolades, fame, sales, and money. Their ego just needs attention. Mine don’t mostly because I find it boring and tedious.

The issue here is there are many superb people doing fabulous work that are irrelevant to the masses because the masses don’t see or appreciate fabulous work. That is the case for many brilliant artists and it remains that way until they die. I’m not doing fabulous work at the moment so that’s not the case for me. If I was doing fabulous work I wouldn’t look for the masses to appreciate it though.

What about relevant to yourself? We’re always more relevant to ourselves than we are to others because they don’t live in our bodies or with us. That’s kind of the crux of it. That is the case for me. I wish I could be paid to be improving my body which is what I’m pre-occupied with. Instead, I live in a system that wants me to pay it to be sick. If I take care of myself and don’t need their pills, surgery, or visits, I’m irrelevant. So they work very hard to convince me and everyone else that there is something wrong with us and we need them. That’s just vacant and evil.

This was a very weird day. My intuition was in high gear and I just rolled with it as usual. Yes, I do want to eventually be relevant because human empowerment to live in balance not overtop of all life is a good thing. That’s what I care about. I find that relevant.