The E.T. Are Heavily Monitoring Countries With Nukes

I feel it very strongly. They are enforcing the agreement with the Earth Keepers that was agreed to when humans came here as refugees from Maldek. I believe this tension between the government, their people, and the E.T. are raising the Schumann Resonance.

No nuclear weapons allowed again. The GGLN (Global Galactic League of Nations) has the authority to shut them down to protect the Cosmic Web. They’ve already done it previously.

Frankly, most G7 countries have no reason for being on earth if they can’t play with their bombs, decimate the planet, enslave the human race, eat humans as Reptilian snack, and turn it into a machine world. I think it’s time for them to leave so we can clean things up and have a life…WITHOUT THEM.

Ciao baby…anytime now.

Watch “Major Cosmic, SSP & Alliance End Game Updates Coming! Intergalactic Trials Have Begun” on YouTube

Blue 6 Rhythmic Eagle (Blue Avians)

Corey refers to “The Guardians” at 3:55 in this post. He has talked about them before so I knew he was in touch with them. I want you to see what Craig Campobasso has to say about them in his book and see a picture.

They are a diverse selection of species from across the length and breadth of the universe. They are called the Guardian Sacred Builders. They have Blue Printing programs. They also meet with the Angelic Corps bimonthly under the crystal dome. The picture below is an image of Blue Printers race that came from another universe to ours. They serve as Overseers of the Blue Printers and Ancient Builder Groups in a variety of universes. They are humanoid in appearance. They believe in the Cosmic Law of One.

They are protectors of worlds and their people and create enormous shields of protection around a planet or solar system by employing sacred geometry and physics by ways and means of their unparalleled manifestation of mind tech. (There are details in the book). Some oversee the Living Library of Akasha. (There is far more in the book). They exist in 4D and up. The first guardians were assigned to Earth more than thirty million years ago.

My note: These folks aren’t perfect and the Ancient Builder Race isn’t perfect. Many mistakes have been allowed to happen which have not been accounted for, especially with regard to Maldek. But I suppose that hearing will come up in the universe at some point. I don’t feel completely comfortable with them.


Well, what he says at the end here is what I am single-handedly doing because I have little money or attention and I KNOW what human DNA is made from and very few people are hearing me. I’m fully aware of that. As a woman, if I speak with authority on any social media platform I am immediately attacked or kicked off. That’s fine bc social media is full of indolence, sexism, and fear.

That’s OK. I’m going forward because I can feel it. I’m not waiting for anyone to rescue me. I never came to this planet and gave over my power for ONE HOT SECOND because God is real IN US! Love is real, IN US. Eternity is real IN US.

Anyway, I will post his update when it’s ready. Everything Corey says here is the EXACT energy Jose predicted that started July 7 and will somehow conclude Oct. 5.

My meeting with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) heads of the Michigan office is this Thursday. They loved my website and my information and talked to me for an hour on the phone.

I already gave part of my holistic story to Ryan Kelley who is running for Governor of Michigan. If the universe is behind me I can seed, here in Michigan, A HOLISTIC HEALTHCARE MOVEMENT based on the empowerment I teach on this blog. Time is us.

We can heal ourselves, we can release the past, we can change our DNA, we can focus our minds and change our habits. I’m personally doing all of it. Anyone can get out of the sick care revolving door of fear of death and suffering.

I want to start with rescinding a local ordinance that protects prostitution bodywork, which is what Jeffrey Epstein engaged in to lure poor women into his predatory world of elite abuse. There are videos about it. That kind of thing is right here in Grand Rapids in addition to sex trafficking. Then we need the governor to license all holistic practitioners in the state. The P.T. and the chiropractors like to block us bc they’re territorial.

We need to create a new way with our minds and bodies and I’m happy to lead it. In the process, it will bring gender balance to men and women because body integrity and mental focus are one with this issue.

Watch “Short Film – History of the Extraterrestrial Agenda & the Coming Global Revolution” on YouTube

This illuminates who is in the Earth Alliance as far as world leaders, Trumps family connection to Disclosure via his uncle who promoted Tesla’s work for humanity and who the negative E.T.’s are and who the good ones are. The Galactic Federation is in charge.

While it’s true that our DNA contains components of all 20 amino acids or the Tribes of Time, it is my belief that with the visitation to this planet of Jeshua, White 3 Electric Dog, his release of White 13 Cosmic Dog or 13 Aspartic Acid in HF33 onto our planet has given humans the ability to uplift the negative DNA in our bodies to ascension and become ONE with Source…via the heart of Christ. It’s in the Mystic Column or the human spine. That energy activation through the Sun is the key to healing any cellular defects NOW PRESENT in us.

Have a great Sunday.

White 12 Crystal Dog.

Watch “American Lions: JFK & Trump’s War with the Deep State over UFO Secrecy” on YouTube

This is a must watch video by Dr. Michael Salla on the 57th anniversary of JFK assassination. 9 minutes. Share with your friends via email.

Just for the record, I’m not convinced about the agenda behind linking these two people. Supposedly John John is Q. I have no problem believing he’s alive. People’s deaths are faked for all kinds of reasons. And Dr. Salla is supporting whatever the agenda is. I question everyone these days. -Lisa T. 12/29/22

Watch “Global Galactic League of Nations, 22 Alien Genetic Experiments, and Secret Space Programs” on YouTube

This a super important, interesting documentary from Corey Goode, well worth your watch time. We all need to know this. It’s DISCLOSURE and wxplains why Trump is in office and needs to be for the benefit of the planet. Please share with awake family and friends.

More Proof of the History of U.S. Space Command Program Through the U.S. Military. So Many Secrets. DISCLOSURE


From Michael Salla on Twitter.

“I’ve interviewed several insiders who served with the Space Marines in “20 and back” programs whose service went unrecognized in terms of career promotion and benefits, which caused resentment. This is a step towards remedying that injustice.”