Synchronicity Today-Monday-4/8/24

Happy Solar Eclipse Time Pivot! This is super positive pivot.

Today is also the new moon, so we start a fresh cycle.

Spacetime Sync

We are mediated by 1 Magnetic Mercury 3x, Pluto, and 13Venus.

  • The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs today at 2:21 PM EDT, and events happening now ultimately highlight and challenge our personal plans, courage, independence, and self-assertion. It’s about new beginnings regarding these issues, and long-term changes are in the works! This eclipse is the fourth in an Aries-Libra set with us until March 2025. We might take steps towards self-mastery and self-empowerment by tackling things that undermine us. Circumstances nudge us to see where we haven’t been true to our authentic selves. Ultimately, we are better positioned to understand that changes or endings are necessary for our growth. We’re learning to embrace our individuality and assert ourselves confidently.
  • The New Moon aligns with retrograde Mercury, and it’s hard to see our path, but our discomfort with the past can be very real now, motivating new beginnings. As well,
  • Mars, the ruler of Aries, is coming into alignment with Saturn, suggesting the determination to overcome obstacles. However, while we’re ready to work hard and pace ourselves, we can combat some fear of not being number one. (Aries doesn’t have to be #1. We’re very rarely #1 bc people don’t like our confidence.) Fortunately, we have to have the tools to work through these issues.(Yes. Aries does whatever they want and doesn’t care what others think.  We’re the only ones in the zodiac.)
  • While a Venus-Jupiter semi-square early today can stir restlessness
  • A Sun-Chiron conjunction connects us with a mission. We may feel drawn to problem areas so that we can repair them. It’s a solid time to see each other’s potential, although the process might feel challenging. We may have the opportunity to find a sense of purpose, increasing our confidence. Still, we might face life lessons that get us in touch with the insecurities that undercut our confidence. In fact, growing and succeeding can involve facing our fears. It can be a time of building faith or confidence in our skills and talents. Openness and self-honesty are vital now, and the focus may be on asserting ourselves and acknowledging our own needs in healthy doses so that we can bring our “whole selves” to our activities.
  • The Moon is void from 10:39 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Mercury), until the Moon enters Taurus the next day, Tuesday, April 9th, at 7:24 AM EDT.


The 5gforce for uplevel

I endure in order to love. Transcending loyalty I seal the process of heart with the cosmic tone of presence. I am guided by the power of timelessness.

Kin 130-White 13 Cosmic Dog in HF33 (The Trinity and the Holy Spirit in the Harmonic!)

This is an amazing positive sync with the Solar Eclipse today. What transcends loyalty? True love from the heart. You don’t need duty or loyalty when you really love someone.

April 8, 2024, Imminent Total Solar Eclipse. Amazing Sync with HF33.

Synchronicity Today-Friday-Kin139

The energy level is low and sleepy today. People who thrive on conflict and drama won’t find it.

Today is 9Storm Tryptophan, a blue transformer tribe on the 9~5 solar to radiant pulse. It’s A4 layer in the ionosphere.

This was Princess Diana’s birth gateway and Camille Paglia, writer. I don’t wish working on sealing the matrix of self-generation on anyone on this planet. By every means possible, the nefarious elite know how to hijack every ounce of human energy, including the children’s energy, by using money and outside institutions to do it. People who do self-generate and take care of themselves are not respected but attacked. Therapists always counsel patients to take care of themselves and usually serve as good examples by doing it themselves at great resistance. Hopefully it will end soon and the vampiring of energy from others will end.

With Blue Storm we see extreme changes in the barometer and sometimes dangerous storms as far as weather.

Spacetime Sync

Jupiter, Mercury, and Uranus are also pulsing in time.

  • Mercury aligns with Neptune today, easing tension or releasing mental blocks. We’re thinking or talking about our dreams and ideals. It can be a day of interesting ideas, tastes, conversations, and musings. With this transit, we’re more inclined to apply our intuition to everyday issues and problems. Our minds are open to many different possibilities and options as we see beyond physical or material concerns and solutions. Communications can be inspired and inspirational, quite fanciful, or vague and unclear, and possibly deceptive. It’s best to watch for attempts to escape definitions and responsibilities, but re-framing things before we make decisions can be most helpful. We should avoid allowing wishful thinking to dictate our choices, but tapping into our imagination can be rewarding. (Red Moon mediated by Mercury)
  • Mercury’s semi-square to Jupiter furthers a theme of unusual perceptions and perspectives as we try to make sense of the information before us and attempt to find meaning in it. With this combination, we tend to inflate the positive of a situation. (9Eagle) We may feel a little overwhelmed with information or, on the other side, overlook essential details. There’s a tendency to exaggerate or dramatize as tedious mental tasks are especially difficult to digest. (Red Moon) (Our guide power is mediated by Jupiter in this aspect with our antipode challenge mediated by Mercury. Exact sync. )
  • The Moon is void from 1:57 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Venus), until the Moon enters Pisces at 8:04 PM EST.


5GForce for Meditation

I empower in order to nurture. Commanding being I seal the input of birth with the overtone tone of radiance. I am guided by the power of universal water.

Kin 161-Red 5 Overtone Dragon

Heartset; Who has your back?

If you didn’t need human permission to be born and you don’t need human permission to die, why do you think you need human permission to live your life as you see fit, or at least have a good expansive experience? The same energy that got you here and helps you leave here…HAS you here.

1/13/13 copyright Lisa K. Townsend

One more Thing About Anxiety…

I didn’t say this because it’s totally taboo and freaks people out, especially religious. And I’ve never said this on here.

WE are God or Source, EMBODIED. YOU are God. God is love, NOT control. This is a free will universe of choices. Every great teacher and Master has said it and been ignored. Jesus even said, “The Spirit of God is within you. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.”Well, your BLOOD AND GUTS are in you too. Whatever is IN YOU is what you are unless it’s meant to come out, like defecation or birthing a baby.

Birthing a baby is a great example of Source and us. Ask any mother and they will tell you that not in a bazillion years can they ever feel separate from their child, even though our sick patriarchal society does it damdest to separate parents from children by blowing them up in war, indoctrination in schools, sexual perversity, etc. Parents always love their children, and God birthed us and all creation into being.

Humans are full of longing to love and be loved, but it starts in you for yourself with Source. But this planet isn’t normal! We can barely have normal human lives here, struggling for fresh water, food and air, BASIC things we need! But we have free will and need to get rid of these leaders ourselves. It’s not going to be done for us. We did a good job busting their chops over Covid. Now we need to bust government and money chops.

Don’t blame yourself for how hard this planet is. Humans are fabulous and loved by stellar species. It’s the elite. They are way off and need to leave the planet so we can go our own way.

So do realize that Source’s only way to experience embodiment is THROUGH US. It is a type of longing, the way a parent or lover longs for their child or love. We long for Source and SOURCE LONGS FOR US! We are adored. We are not worms, ants, or insects, although they are cared for too. We are children of Source. We are Source and Source is US.

It’s a big secret.💞💕🩷❤️

-Re-Program-If you Don’t Have Others Energy and the Media, Who do you Have?

You have yourself. Your body. Breathing in and out, feeling hunger and warmth and cold, the passion of the blood coursing through your veins.

YOU OWN AND RUN YOUR FABULOUS BODY! You are a superpower and your own superhero. Work it.

Make 2 columns down a sheet of paper. “What do I like about Myself? What are my Good points.”

What don’t I like about myself? What do I need to let go of or FIX? OR Forgive??? Ooooo.

Man is GUILT and self-flagellation ever programmed into us. Ruminate on what happened or see a counselor. You may need to apologize to some people and make amends. Just don’t expect them to forgive you or want a friendship. Move on! Do better.

It’s that simple. Go outside. Sit on your porch. Go for a walk. Go buy some healthy food. Just don’t turn on the mind and heart programming screen. Listen to music or work out and stretch.

I used to hate thinking about food. I ate healthy food, fruits, and veggies, then I would pig out on sugar and got very fat. I’m so over it but I know why I did it.

Now I’m a size 14 and going down. I only hurt myself and now I take care of myself. We’ve usually been raised to abuse the substance we abuse so we have permission to abuse it. Everyone else is!

You don’t live for everyone else. Are you going to jump off a cliff if they do? Your life belongs to you and know that IT IS ABSOLUTELY TABOO IN OUR CULTURE TO HONOR, LOVE, AND.TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! It’s called selfish but it’s the opposite. You can’t give or share with anyone from an empty vessel where you never fill your cup. Most of the time, others aren’t going to do it for you.

American culture is sick and all about addiction, materialism, money, slavery, and frankly, Luciferianism. ” Do what you’re told. Do what everyone else is doing.” STOP.

Source is real and in all of our diversity, we are all children of Source and loved. Be yourself and take care of yourself whether or not anyone else is.

It’s just a start…

Feeling Better Emotionally Comes Directly From Sitting in the Sun

The Maya were Sun Worshipers. But it is still a good idea to honor and respect the Sun since the Earth was born out of the Sun, Our star.

Our connection to our Higher Self from the astral plane up to 13th density comes right into the eyes through the sun. All 13 chakras or our Lightbody are activated by The Sun.

We must absorb sunlight to grow just like plants with photosynthesis. The sun also activates or makes Vitamin D that is already in our bodies. It cures a myriad of ills. We are no different. We need soil, grounding in the earth, water, and sunlight to be mentally and physically balanced. We are natural beings like trees and always will be.

We don’t necessarily need much food at all or social with others especially if they are toxic and projecting, doing transference, and offloading because they are not aware of God in them. I’m sensitive to people who are unloving or using food all the time to feed themselves instead of energy. I start to feel sick or drained around them.

They’re using others in all types of relationships to create a surrogate parent or they unconsciously vampire energy off of others because they don’t know how to create their own. It just creates chaos and is not spiritual at all but childish. We are in a time now where that will have to end if you are to come into your own light body, your Higher Self.

Watch “Sure On This Shining Night by Morten Lauridsen” on YouTube

Have a Blessed Winter Solstice. It begins at dusk tonight. May the Sun return to humanity and heal our bodies, souls, our families, our relationships, our earth and our blessed Universe that loves us always.

❤️ Love, Lisa

Sure on this shining night Lyric

James Agee

Sure on this shining night

Of starmade shadows round,

Kindness must watch for me

This side the ground.

The late year lies down the north.

All is healed, all is health.

High summer holds the earth.

Hearts all whole.

Sure on this shining night

I weep for wonder

Wandering far alone

Of shadows on the stars.

The meaning of Noel

A term signifying the holiday season, Noël comes to us from the Latin verb nasci, meaning “to be born.” In the book of Ecclesiastes, the birth of Jesus is called natalis. A variation of this word, nael, made its way into Old French as a reference to the Christmas season and later into Middle English as nowel.

And we are born through our 👨‍🍼, woven on the the Loom of Maya, meaning ILLUSION, to, for a time, become manifest as DNA in a body in this holographic matrix of time. And so did our Creator so he could relate to humans better.

Friday Daily Oracle; It’s a Play Day. Time to Bring Magic to Our Holiday For Real

The Prism. Nature gets it right…ALL the time. That’s holism. This is in sync with today and Jupiter loving novelty and diversity. If you know Sag kin they are impossible to pin down.

Body Magic

Today is Blue 9 Solar Monkey. Monkey and Star days are good for sex if you can fit it in. They are mediated by VENUS, the love planet ❤️ and pulse to the area of the body below the navel, all of it, just to the knees. Good stuff if you’re with the right person, which I can’t stress enough.

Speaking of magic, there is such a thing as sex magic that can bond you negatively to a person if performed in shadow. And what is shadow behavior?

  • No love (you feel no passion, bond, adoration or friendship).
  • Usage just for lust (hookup). Lust is good and essential as long as it’s accompanied by love. They are not the same thing folks.
  • Abuse (older person with immature younger person)
  • Power or control as a form of discipline
  • Violence

If you enjoy suffering karma and an inability to see synchronicity in your life go ahead and follow the rest of society down this awful road. There is nothing wrong with celibacy while you get your lightbody aligned. There IS something wrong with celibacy in the context of religion and believing its holy. SEX is holy.

Celibacy is unnatural and unhealthy for an extended time or a lifetime. Humans are made to love one another. Sex needs to be with love folks, like the rest of life. Meditate and pray for clarity. It will be dropped right in front of you. The universe is all over this to help humans become aligned in their body. Sex is a powerful energy and we all need to respect it instead of treating it like defecation; “when ya gotta go ya gotta go.” Not. It will ruin your ascension and your heart.

Life is theater. The lightbody is subtle and can be felt as you pull back the curtain of density or believing that the gravity and magnetism you feel as the pain or suffering in the. body is real. It’s just a time-space vibration. Relax and release the breath and release the tension. It’s an illusion. WHAT IS REAL IS THE EASE OF THE LIGHT-BODY. Let that come to the surface. I believe it starts in the kundalini and the low back.

We are holding feelings and memories in our body of which we are unconscious and we need to let it melt off. Breathe In and out naturally and scan your body for tension. Remember that you have manifested a body probably thousands of times and you’ve come to settle on this one for now. It’s fun creation but it is temporary in its blood, tension, breath, and electricity. It’s purpose is ascension in spirit.

What does every breath of your body love? For me it is my fierce peach of a son and my work (writing and my holistic healthcare office). Start there in getting grounded. Once you feel secure and assured in what you love you will feel secure to let all the rest go that you do not love. Then your body will settle in. But there may be layers of emotion to release first.

Earth Magic 🎩 🪄

ScR is 8. DNA/RNA Forcing

4D time portal; 30 degrees N–150 degrees W in the N. Pacific between Baja, CA and Hawaii.

5D Gforce is Red 5 Overtone Moon-“I empower in order to purify. Commanding flow I seal the process of universal water with the overtone of radiance. I am guided by the power of navigation. I am a G.A.P. kin and pulse for 3days.”

Solar System Magic 🪄 🔮 ✨️ 🛋

3D is sync’d with 5D. VENUS is our mediating planet. Also pulsing are Earth, Neptune, and Mercury in 5D. The Moon in Sag square Neptune is our ANTIPODE; Red 9 Solar Dragon. The playful Sag energy can be thwarted by unfinished business with our Mother and ancestral ties from the past. The past is only coming forward now to be swept away. But it’s good to know what it is first.

All Zodiac Signs
Muggle Madness that can kill the magic if you take it too seriously. Play!
  • Venus forms a semi-square to Pluto this morning and a trine to Chiron this evening. The Venus-Pluto transit can temporarily wind us up. Matters concerned with our affections tend to trouble us. It can be all too tempting to manipulate or control others and situations, leading to unnecessary troubles. (See…mis-creating in 3D) Jealousy or possessiveness can emerge. However, it’s easier to pan out from problem areas as the day progresses–we’re prepared to learn from our fears and insecurities. We may get an opportunity to heal our relationships through openness to learning from one another. It’s a vital time for building trust in relationships and seeing potential in one another–we more readily see the beauty in human imperfection. (Here’s a biggie!!)
  • We also recognize the value of the people, relationships, and pleasures in our lives more clearly. Interacting with others in fresh ways–with more authenticity and sincerity–can benefit us now.
  • The Moon continues its transit of Sagittarius until 4:19 PM EST. The Moon’s square to Neptune and then Jupiter can stir wistfulness, restlessness, or emotional confusion, and we tend to take a detour from the middle road. Otherwise, the Sagittarius Moon encourages an enthusiastic approach to the day.
  • The Moon moves into industrious Capricorn from 4:19 PM forward, and we effortlessly connect with our ambitions or goals.
  • The void Moon occurs from 2:22 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Capricorn at 4:19 PM EST.


Sacred Beginnings | Grand Rapids, MI | Supporting Victims of Trafficking

Go to this website and watch the video. Her book, “When Angels Fight” is available on Amazon.

I just got back from my meeting with the BBB and Leslie King’s name was dropped. She is from Grand Rapids, lives here, and helps women who have been human trafficked. Human trafficking and violence toward women and men in the sex trade is a nationwide problem. As she says on the video, it is a multibillion dollar industry. This is Jeffrey Epstein level evil on which I did a blog post showing how he lingered in the shadow of his birth kin destiny.

This mentality has corrupted bodyworkers, healers and lightworkers in my state and likely all over the country because of the DEGRADATION OF THE HUMAN BODY and our DNA, and who we are as a species. It speaks directly to what I am about and teaching as far as holistic mindset and the Mayan oracle.

She talks about forgiveness, spirituality, and about feeling hugged by Spirit. She FELT IT. God answered her prayer and it took her into rehab. Makes me weep. God is real. Source is real. Synchronicity is REAL.

Our DNA, our time, our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. I’m all about it and I think highly of the human race, not politically correct disdain as many do. Holistic medicine is all about this.

I will be contacting Leslie and will keep you posted. Netflix is making a movie about her story.