Synchronicity Today-Saturday 4/20/24

The First Mantra for Meditation to Uplevel

The first mantra for meditation – the fourth dimension of time.

This is the end of the White Dog 13-day cycle, and we just finished the 20-day cycle 2 days ago on Yellow 11 Sun. The FULL MOON is in 3 days so we are in the energy now. We are winding up another round of evolutionary change after the full solar eclipse on the 8th and the sunspot cycle pivot point.

The Guide Power today is my analog, White 13 Cosmic Worldbridger, and I prefer to call it a symbol for CHANGE. There is too much actual physical death on this planet. Let’s turn that around and make choices to live.

The 2nd Mantra for meditation🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♀️ – 5th dimension of Radiance

I unify in order to reflect. Attracting order I seal the matrix of endlessness with the magnetic tone of purpose. I am guided by my own power doubled.

Kin 118-White 1 Magnetic Mirror, the holographic plate to reflect Bohm’s Holomovement

The 3rd Mantra for meditation-3rd dimension of Space for Manifestation

13Uranus, Mars, Earth, and 1Pluto are pulsing in 4D. We need to keep up with the natural changes to stay well and not atrophy. We are in 3D Chinese Oracle YiChing 39-Obstruction and obstacles. Please read the content of this link to understand our 3D energy today.

  • The Moon continues its transit of particular Virgo until 11:09 PM EDT, when it moves into relationship-focused Libra. (This is in sync with our antipode Yellow 13 Cosmic Human)
  • Jupiter aligns with Uranus today in the sign of Taurus. (Uranus IS in Tuarus right now, and we are mediated by Uranus in time with White 13 Wind~Red 13 Earth, so this is revolutionizing our cosmic manifestation as humans, our bodies)
  • With this powerful influence, we’re ready to discover, explore, and innovate, and we can be particularly focused on how to upgrade our attitudes toward money, things, and comfort. Increased financial freedom can be a goal. This transit is exciting, futuristic, and original. The need for progressive change becomes glaringly apparent! It’s a time when we’re itching to update, refresh, and renew ourselves, projects, circumstances, and connections. We might take risks (perhaps, but not necessarily, foolish ones) for the sake of freedom during this transit. We could too easily avoid taking responsibility for things that truly matter, or we can feel exceptionally restless. Still, we’re open to new energies, approaches, and attitudes under the influence of this transit. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and think outside the box. We feel brave, positive, and optimistic. Enthusiasm runs high, the desire for freedom from restrictions is strong, and a thirst for adventure is with us. There can be happy coincidences and new developments, especially with money and valuables or our feelings of comfort, safety, and security.
  • Note also that Jupiter will parallel Uranus in early May. The Moon is void from 8:20 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Neptune), until the Moon enters Libra at 11:09 PM EDT.



We just went through some intense energy in the amplitudes pulsing very high in gamma to jumpstart our Age of Aquarius ♒️ brains. Now it has come down. Ringing in the ears and headache are common when the amps shoot up. I’m guessing the spectrogram is going to continue to show increases now that we’re post Solar Eclipse.