The Sun is Changing Rapidly-5/9/24

The Sun informs and monitors time as the manifestation of all life, and the harmonic via the magnetosphere around earth organizes it.

In order to adapt properly to the natural changes brought by evolution, we need to be organized.

Today we enter HF51: SOLAR OUTPUT!…to inform the flowering of intention. (Look at the previous post) How synchronistic is that with the action of the sun? The sun is informing us mentally and emotionally that it is time to organize our INTENTIONS for what we want on this planet. And to that end, I woke up and had another idea for my proposal with the “big folks,” which I’m not ready to talk about yet. Humans need to get organized and articulate what we need, want, and feel rather than just saying NO to everything all the time. What do we each say YES to?

This is IChing 17, Following. We hit the Body Time Node Point in the Holon, INITIATIO or initiation.

6 Cysteine amino acid protein is represented by Maya symbol Red 6 Rhythmic Dragon.

Rhythmic tone of equality-6~8, Rhythmic to galactic pulse, magnetosphere F3~F1

Radiance, Tone 5 opens the way for equality and balance through a steady rhythmic pulse. Achieving balance is the greatest task of the warrior of the spirit, defining all areas of his life from health to relationships. Balancing every moment will require constant vigilance, for change is a property of life itself. Therefore, we must constantly check with its realities, keeping an eye on the balance of our approaches. Tone 6 also teaches us organization, in the broadest sense of the word. The path to this is the realization of one’s original equality with other people in terms of each individual’s value to life and being loved by the universe. (But we are not the same and aren’t meant to be. Diversification is inherent in nature, not gentrification.-L.T.)

Seal of the Red Dragon-analog White Mirror

Food. Birth. Being. Memory.

Open yourself to the energies of Birth and Hope – the highest faith in the omnipotence of being – and let them express themselves in your life. Focus on both self-sufficiency and grateful acceptance of the necessary nourishment from the universe. Only in this way will life help you fulfill your deepest needs. Let the energy of birth initiate and implement all your undertakings!
East – initiates.
The throat chakra. Index finger of the right hand.
Motto: I feed the birth of my being with primordial trust.

TIMEspace Sync

We are mediated in time by 6Neptune 3x, Venus, and 8Pluto.

  • The Moon spends the day in Gemini, encouraging our curiosity.
  • This morning, the Gemini Moon harmonizes with Mars in Aries, awakening our impulses and stirring our passions in pleasant ways. This influence inspires us to take action on our feelings. We are both resourceful and independent, readily turning tensions into winning situations. It’s a good time for activities that engage our emotions.
  • Fortunately, today’s Pluto-Pallas sextile is helpful for strategy and insight. We are wise and willing to invest our energy into solving problems. Our natural talents, as well as acquired resources, are highlighted and positive. It’s a good time for healing and regenerative activities, mainly related to the mind/thinking. (This is in exact sync with our Hidden Wisdom Yellow 8 Sun mediated by Pluto.)


The 5gforce for meditation

I harmonize in order to catalyze. Modeling energy I seal the matrix of self-generation with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of abundance.-Kin 99-Blue 8 Galactic Storm


Amplitude in gamma hz and frequency in alpha hz
Qfactor pulsing high and vertical solid lines in the ELM getting bigger…?

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