The Category Cloud on the Homepage is Changing

I’m busy getting the educational levels set up on the posts and password protected before I put them in the cart for purchase. They are;

  • Ed Level 1-The basic matrix, Tzolkin, True Time info. There are many more of these posts than others.
  • Ed Level 2-Going deeper into it
  • Ed Level 3-Getting more complex
  • Advanced Level-More complex ideas
  • Epigenetics Level-for those who are ready to be done with genetic materialism which was thrown out years ago. Time is DNA is epigenetic. All of Bruce Lipton’s work is epigenetic. You’ll need to do more reading. It’s empowerment and taking responsibility for the fact that your own evolution is completely within your own hands. We are not prisoners of our birth family. But…the subconscious mind is huge, programmed by the mother in utero.
  • Tzolkin Matrix Analysis Level-is my taking apart Earth Ascending by Jose Arguelles as well as his other books and Mayan archeological study and making sense of True Time. I took those off and will put them back on the blog, password protected. I don’t want AI to just steal the information.

There are 2500 posts on this blog and most are free. Check out the category cloud. Some of Ed Level 1 are free also. Note the new categories of “True Time Update” which are free if I posted them a week or two ago, “Education”, and “Ed Level 1”

Thank you for your support.

@realintelligenc on XCorp/Twitter

Twitter connection to WordPress has been severed due to data pillaging and scraping

I just unfollowed about 300 unverified followers of my 732. This is a bad situation for X. Elon just posted severe restrictions for newly verified accounts. I don’t know what he’s going for here, but it better not be CORPORATE LOCKSTEP to his AI crypto narrative FOR MONEY AND ADVERTISING, or I’m out of there. He might want to check himself with regard to supporting free speech.

I’m not sure what this will mean for me since I work on both, but Twitter is accusing WordPress API connection of data pillaging and scraping. I hope he’s just trying to clean it up. The platform has to make revenue. That seems to be lost.on most Twitter users who are grifters. I am a small business owner making a very modest living, so I get it. He, on the other hand, has 5 mega biz. to keep afloat.

I actually sort of feel that way about all the work I’ve contributed free to followers for 10 years. My work is good, and when people are stable, I get thousands of hits. It’s more like “hit-n-run.” And all of my work is ©️ so no one has any right to copy and share it without my permission. At the very least, make sure my name and blog address are on it.

To that end, I’m setting up a very inexpensive subscription service today for this blog. It will only be $5.00/month, less than a drink or McDrive thru sandwich. It’s time for people to show some value for improving their minds, not just their stomach. If you don’t value my work more than a sandwich well… there is no point.

It should be obvious to everyone that we are in a major paradigm shift that includes ancient earth and local system cycles that I know how to parse out in the Tzolkin. I give you a heads up on frequency shifts and much more. None of this is cataclysmic, negative, or apocalyptic, as others are. The sun is changing, but we can get through it. However, we’re not going back to the way it was before.

I will also be publishing another book, The Tones of Creation, which I’m making exciting headway on with the research. This is deciphering the tone number frequency in front of the amino acid in each gateway.

There are plenty of Mayan sites online, but no one approaches it as I do. I am more scientific and hope to bridge science with esoteric and intuitive knowledge. Academic science and medicine are lost right now and need to include physics with anatomy as well as ancient medicine and geomancy. It’s a tall order for a male dominated field that prides itself on repression of human attributes and heart-centered decision-making. “Here, have a drink.” Ok, well, to each his own.

I’m also working on an app but looking for a reputable, verified app developer. It will likely be someone local, so I know they really exist and do app development. There is so much fraud. It appears there is no Tzolkin Time app for android to download now, only the iPhone. That needs a remedy. Once people start dialing up their own synchronicity, the light should go on. I’ve been doing it for 33 years, so it’s normal, not amazing to me anymore. Synchronicity IS normal, and people need to internalize it.

Let’s stop there. I would like to have an educational program, but instead, I will add a category “education” with a level # attached to the posts, and you can search on the 2500 posts I’ve already written. Just hit the box “education” on the homepage.

There’s no need to remake the wheel! Folks need to READ and THINK as opposed to being spoonfed information, or our brains will shrivel, and AI will have a field day.

Happy trails! 😊 Lisa

This was a first! A mysterious gyre in the sky sails through the aurora and over Donnelly Dome, near Delta Junction, Alaska, on April 15, 2023 at 1:54 am AKDT (9:54 UTC). WHAT IS IT?! After doing some online research, this phenomenon appears to be rocket engine exhaust from a SpaceX Transporter-7 mission that launched on the Falcon 9 about three hours earlier in California. Water vapor in the exhaust from the second stage engine freezes and catches high-altitude sunlight, effectively glowing and creating this spiral galaxy of a display. The payload is 51 satellites and it’s on its way to orbit. While still gaining altitude it did this pass-by over Alaska, stunning many night-watchers including myself. Trust me, at first, I was totally bewildered… and I kind of enjoyed that feeling of the unknown.

I want you to see my stats on here

Last week was crazy. I had 1200 fear filed views on here on one day because the amps were up to 190. That was the highest it’s ever been, but the frequency was super low, and I explained what the Psi Bank was doing with the binary pivot from the central axis. I even posted an image Jose saw 30 years ago, which he drew, which was similar to the pattern on the Schumann Resonance. This is not new stuff. Jose was just ignored and outted by academia because he was an artist and correct. That’s not allowed.

It’s important to read up on what is really happening WITH TIME and the planet and turn off media programmimg.

To new followers, I’ve been writing, explaining, and analyzing here since 2013. You need to read what I’ve already written.

Look at the week after that and today. I can see which posts you folks go after.

How to Attempt to block AI CCbot and Chatgbt

Stated Copyrights on WordPress

That means they should have provided an AI blocking system for its writers. They didn’t. I can try this below.

If your site has already been crawled (It has already been visited by chatgbt) then it’s likely already included in multiple datasets.

Nevertheless, by blocking Common Crawl it’s possible to opt out your website content from being included in new datasets sourced from newer Common Crawl datasets.

This is what I meant at the very beginning of the article when I wrote that the process is “neither straightforward nor guaranteed to work.”

The CCBot User-Agent string is:


Add the following to your robots.txt file to block the Common Crawl bot:

User-agent: CCBot
Disallow: /

An additional way to confirm if a CCBot user agent is legit is that it crawls from Amazon AWS IP addresses.

AI ChatGPT was listed in my WP stats as a visitor

That’s it. It’s stealing my hard work on this blog and using it to program itself to use, eventually, against humans.

I need to finish copying my work to my hard drive and delete this blog altogether. I will figure out a new subscription site after that.

You can also follow me on X (Twitter) at @realintelligenc

Once I have 500 followers, I can start a subscription service. There are 250 million people on Twitter.

OpenAI, a San Francisco-based AI and research company, launched ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. OpenAI also created Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system, and DALLE•2, a popular AI image and art generator.
In the past few years, top research labs have made big strides with AI-generated text tools like ChatGPT, training the bots on billions of written words, including everything from blog posts to classic books.

The Forbes link

Authenticity With other Bloggers

I actually READ you folks posts before I hit like and I don’t hit like if I didn’t like it or it wasn’t my thing.

No one is obligated to like my posts. I know most don’t understand what I’m talking about. BUT…you could seek out and read my 3000 posts on the oracle and study more. Understanding synchronicity could save your life.

I ask that you not like my posts if you haven’t read them. Authenticity. Tell the truth please 🙏 . It’s all about individual empowerment so we can each contribute to the diverse COLLECTIVE without expectations. Be secure in yourself without needing the approval of others.

The “Like” Star on Here

It’s a blue star in a little white rectangular box at the end of the blog. I would appreciate some more likes on here as motivation to keep writing. Otherwise I suppose I could stop and no one would notice except for three loyal followers.

Do you really want to be left with Ben and Corey, NOAA and NASA and the MSM for updates on earth changes and evolution? Plus they’re all men giving only a male perspective. 🙄