Mindset; Reflection


These are the first few paragraphs from my book “Healer” which will be published in 2017.

I have a roving passion for putting the pieces together when it comes to my history and relationships.  I can sit with it pensively if I have some tea but that gets old.  It’s too curious not to talk about it.

Many people who know me would say I’m a deep thinker and that I think an awful lot, that I’m different or odd.  Excessive introspective rumination can be hard on the body and fattening to the ego, but if the heart is involved, I’ve found that it balances out.  I feel I do balance out my passion like two people on a teeter-totter.  It is much more fun if your weight is about equal between the mind and the body.

Being a writer, I’m not the kind of person to just let the puzzle pieces float in the air like fireflies.  I want to grab them, bring them down to earth and figure out why they glow by themselves.  I’m not sure why my life has been so fragmentary and synchronous compared to others but it has.  I don’t resist it.  I accept it and even try to be nobly entertained by it.  I hope I can offer you a different perspective and show you another shrouded angle that you’ve never heard of to give you pause.

I did plenty of raucous, carefree, haphazard living in my youth that was far from serious, but my quality of life went up when I balanced it with being focused and serious as well.  Life isn’t all kittens, flowers, and platitudes.  Sometimes you have to buy a plane ticket and fly somewhere you’ve never been before; even meet people you’ve never met before. No matter where I went, I felt like someone was watching over me and I was safe.  I wasn’t particularly taught that as a child but I can’t remember feeling any other way.  That feeling is like my favorite sweatshirt or my favorite pair of silky dress pants that hang well on my waist.

Continued in my book, available on Amazon


Mindset; Reflection

These are the first few paragraphs from my book “Healer,” which will be published in 2017.

I have a roving passion for putting the pieces together when it comes to my history and relationships. I can sit with it pensively if I have some tea, but that gets old. It’s too curious not to talk about it.

Many people who know me would say I’m a deep thinker and that I think an awful lot, that I’m different or odd. Excessive introspective rumination can be hard on the body and fattening to the ego, but if the heart is involved, I’ve found that it balances out. I feel I do balance out my passion, like two people on a teeter-totter. It is much more fun if your weight is about equal between the mind and the body.

Being a writer, I’m not the kind of person to just let the puzzle pieces float in the air like fireflies. I want to grab them, bring them down to earth, and figure out why they glow by themselves. I’m not sure why my life has been so fragmentary and synchronous compared to others, but it has. I don’t resist it. I accept it and even try to be nobly entertained by it. I hope I can offer you a different perspective and show you another shrouded angle that you’ve never heard of to give you pause.

I did plenty of raucous, carefree, haphazard living in my youth that was far from serious, but my quality of life went up when I balanced it with being focused and serious as well. Life isn’t all kittens, flowers, and platitudes. Sometimes you have to buy a plane ticket and fly somewhere you’ve never been before; even meet people you’ve never met before. No matter where I went, I felt like someone was watching over me, and I was safe. I wasn’t particularly taught that as a child, but I can’t remember feeling any other way. That feeling is like my favorite sweatshirt or my favorite pair of silky dress pants that hang well on my waist.

Continued in my book, available on Amazon

Everyday Spirituality; How I Hook Up To Source Energy

fall leaves

Well, first off, as it is on Earth for most people, the losses, traumas, and deaths pile up to the point where you might not want to be here anymore. I m just being honest.  Sometimes we all feel like it’s ridiculous, like this last election cycle.  WTH?  Then I check in with myself and say, “Nope, I m still having fun, enjoy my body, sex, food, friends, my son, my work, the seasons, music, you name it.”

My question in the midst of it is, “How can I make sense of this suffering I witness most others going through and my own?”  The first thing I do is realize were all in this together. No one, anywhere, is immune from the soul lessons here. I don’t believe in fortunate or unfortunate, lucky or unlucky. Don’t ya think we make our own fortune by our choices?  It’s a big well we can dip into with our mind and heart. When I dip into that well, that’s how I connect to Source.

It’s universal to want to connect emotionally and physically to others. I feel that is an inclination from Source and I let my body feel it. Making art together, cooperating, joining together for a just cause. All of that connects us to Source because Source is in us.

I don’t recommend feeling sorry for yourself for too long or you won’t get the wisest use out of your limited time in the body. Everyone goes through the dark night of the soul. You could use that experience to grow. Feel the depth of it, go into those emotions and what other people think of your “negativity” be damned while you’re figuring it out.  I did it by myself and called on my friends. I didn’t use a counselor, although you could.  I journal and I wrote a book.

I’ve been hooking to Source energy every day for about 25 years now in all of those varied ways.  I make sure I live in a peaceful, non-violent environment. I eat well and exercise so I like my body and can feel its rhythms. In this way, I can watch my breath as I close my eyes and drop my mental focus. Now I pay attention to every body part starting at the head and going down. I have a body balancing technique I use that includes color and Reiki.

I affirm to Spirit/God that I m here to serve and love all life. I affirm that I promise to love myself as best I can in order to do that.  I give myself permission to detach from people that are not loving or loving to me or don’t like me, then do something called “bless and release” instead of cursing or hating them. If I focus/pray about one person, a flood of intuitions come in about that person because I am in receive mode from Source. I see people and events unfold like a movie and it’s been happening all of my life. I note all of that in my memory.

I wish well for everything in front of me no matter what state it’s in. I ask for a revelation on specific issues on which I have a question and always listen for the answer. The universe knows I listen and respect them💜. They impart information to those that believe and listen.

So, love and take care of yourself, join with others doing something creative that you love, accept that everyone goes through a dark night of the soul and you’re not alone, have as much freaking sex with whoever you want to stay healthy, and follow your intuition.  Don’t hesitate to walk away from people who don’t get you or don’t like you.  You’ll know because you’ll feel bad around them.

You can rampage it on this planet and be free. It’s not worth it to follow, obey, or sit it out because it’s going to be over before long anyway.


Essay; Marriage is Prison for Some Women


woman in prisonOne of the main comments I’ve heard from women patients in my office is, “I want to be alone, not married. I wish I was free and single like you.” Many women feel like prisoners in their marriage and their physical ailments and stress level are consequently very high.

I bet many married men say it to single guy friends too, but I wonder. I’ve heard men benefit far more from marriage than women do and suffer more in divorce.  Most women thrive after divorce.

What are we looking at here?

Marriage is an institution where you’re seeking the sanction of church or state with a license and/or a ceremony but what are your true motivations for doing it?  Maybe the institutions function like an agricultural stockade where animals are inspected, traded and sold. You’ve heard of animal husbandry. Well, when a woman gets married her mate is called her husband which makes her a reproductive animal in society’s view. So maybe marriage is primarily suited for only young women in their reproductive years who want to have children. And many young women who get married don’t necessarily want children. Then maybe they shouldn’t get married.

I think it’s time to retire these outmoded ideas regarding a woman’s relationship with her mate. Marriage isn’t always necessary. Balance of power between a woman and man needs to be discussed and kissed about.  We can be monogamous with each other because we want to be, not because somebody said we should. It’s nobody’s business but the couple and is becoming outdated due to woman’s empowerment. It’s a good thing.