Bill Wood, Navy Asset to Top Secret White Hats-Project Looking Glass

February 25, 2021, is the date on this.

Bob Lazar is Red 7 Resonant Skywalker

As you get further into the video he talks about convergence of timelines on Mayan predicted date Dec. 21, 2012. That’s us folks. We know all about it. I was working on this project.

It doesn’t sound to me like they understand the Harmonic Index movement at all because they follow current science. They use no intuition. Just listen for yourself. Bill starts at 12:30.

The link works at bitcbute no matter what it says on the tab.

Corey Goode’s comments on David Grusch Whistleblower

It’s good. As I said earlier, when Grusch first came out, none of what he said was new. Corey and David’s whistleblowers came out 10 years before and told us this and more.

Grusch was a disclosure staged Hollywood deal prepped for Congress. The narrative being to keep the negative view of ET and a war going that is false and unnecessary.

Keep in mind, and tell your friends, there is a big difference between the Earth Alliance who are the White Hats, not fake, not Hollywood, not pandering to politics, not c_)(*. They are thousands of whistleblowers over the years who are mostly military and they tell the truth.

The c+_)( tends to be Ufology folks, they tend to be on TwitterX, trying to push something or psyop something for the government to manipulate the masses regarding UFO/ET.

The E.T. are Shutting Down Nuclear Warheads. Using Them Disrupts the Cosmic Web Which Goes Against Universal Law

This puts me in a good mood. End of story.

Lisa Townsend

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Most Americans believe in intelligent life beyond Earth; few see UFOs as a major national security threat

The threat is from our own government, not the stellar species. I just don’t believe that most Americans trust our incredibly corrupt government more than benevolent ET. But they are brainwashed to need to believe our government is June and Wally Cleaver.

More UFO Story. This one is detailed.

UFO Report

Uri Geller is telling me of a piece of UFO in Werner Von Braun safe

If you don’t know these folks from US history, please Google them and start down the rabbit hole that thousands of Americans have been in for 100 years in this country.

Michael Salla’s website is a good source.