Heartset; Relevancy

I wrote this in 2019.

Are we really only relevant to the extent that other human beings find us relevant? Isn’t that why people have dogs and cats? You’re always relevant to your pet if only because they need you to feed them. If you need to be needed, you need to feel relevant. I guess I need to express myself more than be considered relevant.

Or maybe we do literally need to be perceived as relevant in order to make money. That’s really what underlies our actions. We just need money. We have to have money to survive. Many people know how to fake care about others for accolades, fame, sales, and money. Their ego just needs attention. Mine don’t mostly because I find it boring and tedious.

The issue here is that there are many superb people doing fabulous work that are irrelevant to the masses because the masses don’t see or appreciate fabulous work. That is the case for many brilliant artists, and it remains that way until they die. I’m not doing fabulous work at the moment, so that’s not the case for me. If I was doing fabulous work, I wouldn’t look for the masses to appreciate it, though.

What about relevant to yourself? We’re always more relevant to ourselves than we are to others because they don’t live in our bodies or with us. That’s kind of the crux of it. That is the case for me. I wish I could be paid to be improving my body, which is what I’m preoccupied with. Instead, I live in a system that wants me to pay it to be sick. If I take care of myself and don’t need their pills, surgery, or visits, I’m irrelevant. So they work very hard to convince me and everyone else that there is something wrong with us and we need them. That’s just vacant and evil.

This was a very weird day. My intuition was in high gear, and I just rolled with it as usual. Yes, I do want to eventually be relevant because human empowerment to live in balance, not overtop of all life, is a good thing. That’s what I care about. I find that relevant.

“Impossible”: OpenAI admits ChatGPT can’t exist without pinching copyrighted work | Salon.com

Here ya have it from Sam Altman himself


I hope WordPress sees this. That’s why I have my most important research on here password protected. It better keep AI out. Of course, I have my own copy.

I’m tempted to take it all off of here.

All of my work is copyrighted.

My Four Books

I see followers looking at my post on the status of my book Time is DNA. It’s been done for two years. I hope my followers have it by now so that possibly you can look at my posts more closely. Just go to my Home page SEARCH box and search on Authors, Lisa K Townsend, or Books.

I’m currently working on The Tones of Creation. Not sure when that will be done.

I have published four books on Amazon. Just type in my name Lisa K Townsend and include the middle initial and they will come up. I put years of work into all of these books.

Healer, The Role of Intuition in the Scientific Method, Everyday Intuition, and Time is DNA. I don’t write romantic novels. LOL. I do write prose though that gets a bit hot. My next book will be The Tones of Creation which you can search on the Home Page as well. I just posted on it on January 22, 2023.

There is also a “books for sale” tab on my home page.

Donation Button


I’ve just added a donation button to the bottom of the homepage on the right for anyone so inclined. Just scroll down on this page. I spend at least 2 hours a day or more on this blog and I do it for my followers. I do not have the subsidy of a mate and make a modest income in my holistic business.

My passion and mission on this planet are to bring empowerment and enlightenment about our bodies to humans. In light of the ongoing onslaught against humans in politics and sickcare, I feel this blog brings a bit of information that can help you go the other way and have a better mind and body.

Thanks for your support!

Proof that I Dreamt it Before It Happened. This was August 2021

Here is the text of the post relaying the dream I had in December 2020

And then it happened…

FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine | FDA



I am prophetic as part of my service to humans. I just re-posted my post from December 2020 where I vaguely mention a dream I had because it was painful. Then it occurred in 2021 as you can see from the link.

I am a type of Clarion. A clarion is a call to something that is hard to ignore but it is loud and direct. They are also 5th density human helper E.T.

A Prophetic Dream I had in December 2020

Someone tell me it isn’t so. I don’t like it when I see things far ahead of time such as this.

Someone saw this post of mine from 2.5 years ago. (see link below) I forgot about it. In it, I said I had a dream about babies children, and vaccines and didn’t want to talk about it. Now, recently in 2022, they are talking about vaccinating babies with the toxic mRNA vaccine and crowing 🐓 about it. I dreamt it on my birth gateway…of course BEFORE THERE WAS A VACCINE!. God help us.

Sometimes I want to crawl into a hole.


I’m Channeling, Right Away Today on this Tone 7 Day

Why are humans so easily frightened and programmed by others? Maybe Ben is wrong. Maybe we’re not at the end of a 12,000-year cycle. He likes to say daily that someone else is wrong. Well, it’s not hard for scientists and politicians to be wrong. They are steeped in ego and greed and can’t see clearly.

Personally, I listen and consider all opinions and then parse them out based on my intuition and rational assessment. Ben, Corey, David, and many others are very smart but they may have ego involvement.

What if the larger cycle is 13,000 and not 12?  It’s true that our planet holds to multiples of 4 but no one in science has taken into account the 260-day cycle within the 365-day cycle. The 260-day cycle has ALWAYS been occurring but we’ve been kept under the spell of the time magicians and ignorant of who we really are.

13:20 runs our whole local system, earth, and our bodies ultimately. If it’s not the end of the world what is it that they are seeing? The local system, earth, and all life on it evolving, trying to calibrate itself with the changes that will happen gradually for the most part.

This is a Tone 7 Resonant day so the etheric realm is spinning with information, thus it makes channeling easier. When I woke up it started. I hadn’t checked tribe and tone yet and when I saw it, it made sense. I also had a bad feeling listening to Ben’s post today, as though he thinks he’ll be peachy out in Colorado but the rest of us are going to bite the dust? I’ve heard over and over that “Colorado is a safe place.” It may be except near Denver by the Rocky Mountain Flats nuclear site. It’s very polluted.

The book I’m showing here, Black Dawn, Bright Day, I’ve had since 1991 (31 years) when I lived in Sedona, AZ. It’s a great book; a classic. It was written in 1990 in Spokane, WA, the same year Jose published the Dreamspell. I recommend you get it to bring some reason to your decision regarding where to live.

I quote from page 172;

I’m told by Spirit that we have to build a belief system in which we carry the law in our hearts, not one where we look over our shoulder to somebody else. We have to learn to take direct responsibility for our lives on an everyday basis. This is one of the things I’ve tried to impart to people through my teachings and writings. This is part of what I see as my work.

I find that there is a great hunger in people to find out about ways in which to heal themselves; first themselves, you see, then they can really help others and the Earth. That’s why I stress the need for every person to take real responsibility for their own life. I fell that everyone has the right to speak to the Creator, to discover and follow their own vision.

One of the things that keeps people from their path is money. They think they have to make more and more all the time. And they can always give a good reason.

Sun Bear

Sun Bear was a channel, a visionary like Edgar Cayce and Jose Arguelles. He parses out exactly where it’s safe and why and where it’s not safe and why, brought in through Spirit, remote viewing, you name it. It’s what lightworkers do. I do it with the body extensively and have done so successfully for 23 years.

Be careful not to take as gospel truth, “We’re all going to die, but don’t fear. The Earth is Ending. Accept it.” whether it’s from Ben or Google saying, “The human race is ending, we’re in the 6th mass extinction.” Instead, use your intuition, think, and then make a plan and act.


Books For Sale Tab on the Home Page

These are my four books for sale. The newest one is on the left. I really like all of these books. The third one includes the fascinating letter from Einstein to Roosevelt before the atomic bomb was built by the Manhattan Project. The fourth book, Healer has documentation of the crazy synchronicity around the death of my son’s father, my ex-husband and my fiance. I had finished the book and my editor asked me to include all of those events in it so they are at the end. Healer means I have healed myself, not that I heal others. I talk about we can all be healers our ourselves.

The easiest way to buy them is from Amazon. Just search on my name, Lisa K. Townsend and they will all come up.


Lisa T.