Biden’s Message Shifts From Compromise to Combat Ahead of Midterms

Here is the tone he sets on his Mayan birth gateway; White 2 World Bridger.

My podcast yesterday extolled the natural unity of the universe and the natural world. The Reptilian way is a projection of what you, yourself are doing wrong and saying the other person is doing it when they are not. You are. It’s crazy hypocrisy. It is a victim mentality so that you feel the need to defend, justify, and initiate violence yourself. The next 12 days will be a study in psychology.

You need to watch Corey’s video I just posted and read his report about the war on the LOC, our Moon, as I type this on Biden’s gateway. I’m just going to say it Biden and his rhetoric and attack on American law and patriotism are DIRECTLY related to his alignment with the Reptilians and the Orion group. These are not isolated events. And as Corey just said today, it’s gotten worse. My information is that Trump works with the GGLN, the Galactic League of Nations. Neither Trump nor the GGLN is righteous by any means, but they are working for peace and cooperation in our local system.

But with just two months until the midterm elections, Mr. Biden is purposely spending less time hailing the virtues of compromise and more time calling out dangers to democracy — using some of the sharpest and most combative language of his presidency.
He has accused Republicans of embracing “semi-fascism” by paying fealty to former President Donald J. Trump. He has blasted the party for being “full of anger, violence, hate and division.” And he has warned that the danger from Republicans loyal to Mr. Trump went far beyond differences in policy.
“They’re a threat to our very democracy,” he said of a party that he has spent a half-century working with to find common ground. “They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace political violence.”

It would help to remember that all White tribes hail from White Wind Tribe on Uranus. White Wind is spiritual communication and heavily solar based on our ancient past. Sol Invictus was Sun worship and Maldekians did that. All Red tribes hail from Red Dragon or the Draco on Neptune; the primordial mother, the giver of life. She’s fire, not daisies. All the priest classes through time hail from White Wind and White Worldbridger is in the priest class.

Well, we know what the problems can be with priests, especially if they believe in denying the body and separating it from the spirit over epic time. Dysfunction. You can only deny the needs of the flesh for so long without going crazy.

The Psychology of Mimetic Contagion by Brownstone Institute

It’s groupthink virus that’s behind the blind following of scamdemic and other narratives shored up by 12:60 time coordinate.

“…under conditions of mass formation, people buy into a narrative not because it is true, but because it cements a social bond they desperately need.:

The article in the link below

“People buy into the narrative, even when it becomes absurd and out of touch with facts on the ground, not because they believe in the narrative, but precisely because it creates a social bond that they don’t want to relinquish. As in hypnosis, their field of vision becomes excessively narrowed, focused exclusively on the elements of the accepted narrative. They may be dimly aware of collateral damage or contradictory facts, but these have little to no cognitive or emotional impact—evidence simply ceases to matter.”

The article in the link below

Heartset; A #Female #Intimacy Myth Revealed

There’s a myth I Rumi Water keep running into whenever I really like a man, we know each other and are friends, I’m attracted to him and want to have sex with him. His assumption is, given all of the desires I’ve listed above, I’ll fall in love with him or I am in love with him and want to put a leash around his neck or start a relationship. No, I don’t and it’s a bit insulting to assume women want or need to be hitched to a man or control him. We don’t. Women who want children are more that way for good reason but not me!

He assumes I will want to control him like a dog trainer. So wrong. So very, very wrong. I have my own life. I only control myself. I’m a cat you see. But if you suggest on a first date, “We can get a room,” Uhhh. No. Sex is not going to be the first date. If that’s what you want then you’ll get a woman that just lets her body and energy be eaten for a price or for free. Good luck with that. It’s chaos and she’s likely emotionally messed up as in “a sex addict.”

I’m starting to think it’s the other way around. If he has told me and continues to express that he likes me also, is attracted to me and also wants to have sex, he might fall in love with me, otherwise, we would meet-up. Why aren’t we meeting each other? He couldn’t hook me for sex with lying and saying he loved me as a friend. He obviously doesn’t. No integrity. He’s a user. I pose too much of a challenge.

At least I assumed it from the beginning. I let him run his game to see what he would do to get another notch on his bedpost. All lies.

Friendship and attraction are the basis of everything lasting. Possession and contracts kill it after you’ve had children. You don’t need it in middle age. Most couples break up after their kids are grown anyway. You get bored with each other as lovers and can just be friends. Sexual usage is jungle level not human level and shows a very low intelligence and low spirituality. No thanks.

The myth is that just because a woman has all of those things going on that I listed above that she’s in love with a guy. Nope. Nada. Huh-uh. Not the case.  Most women I know are very good at controlling their feelings and actually choosing them. We’re kind of expert at it for some reason, especially in middle age when there is no longer the motive of reproduction and the extreme lust that comes with reproductive hormones. Maybe we have a highly developed relationship between our amygdala and frontal cortex after fifty because we’ve learned a thing or two? We want real love and friendship, not just lust games, and personality compatibility, not just sex compatibility. Time to grow up.

I’m done. The karma machine is going to run ragged on this one. Good. I hate it when a man can’t emotionally deal with friendship and sex. It’s totally immature.


Heartset; Intimacy balances out by…

Pensive girl thinking in winter

For women, having sex. For men, talking.

That sounds ironic, doesn’t it?

If you already know each other, you’ve already been together, you’ve already communicated quite a bit, the way to bring intimacy equilibrium back to the relationship is instinctually in this manner.

It sounds odd because the assumption is men always want to have sex and women always want to talk but that is not the case all the time. Sex is super easy for men, with no feelings and no connection. Talking, bonding, getting to know a woman, becoming friends with her is not easy for him AT ALL. If he figures out that he digs her, likes talking to her and finds her hot, he is not going to want to have sex with her right away, especially if his habit has been to make her a notch in his bedpost. He’s going to want to talk. It means he’s starting to go deeper and mull over what she means to him. I do believe that this is a case of a man not going after what he wants quickly, especially if both parties are middle-aged. It’s the young men and women that move quickly.

Oh god. This drives me nuts! When a woman knows she’s attracted to a man, continues to be attracted to him, loves his voice, likes the way he thinks and agrees with much of what he does and says and generally digs him, she wants to fuck his brains out! Why make her wait?

Because it’s not a superficial sexual conquest anymore. He’s possibly serious about her. Especially if she didn’t bite at the outset when he offered superficial sex. I personally never bite when a man offers superficial sex, even if I’m attracted to him. I’m not letting just any man have my body and my energy and notch me. There has to be a connection or I’m not doing it. OR…there is a connection mentally and emotionally so I’m not doing it right away.

The other issue is, women know pretty quickly if not very quickly who she digs and who she doesn’t. We’re very astute at knowing our type and let him know. I did that with a friend of mine. We were headed for sex and I stopped it. Then he called me even more and wanted to talk even more. I really began to be mystified.

How is this going to play out? You’re both sure you have the hots for each other because you already said some hot things and meant it. You’ve both agreed you love each other as friends. You’ve both been friends, actively, with each other. You both call each other, text, stay in touch. You support each other’s work, actively. What the heck?

To be continued…

Heartset; Social Media Shows Our Veneer


The veneer on a piece of furniture can appear in many ways.  It can be layers of paint, different color of stain, all of it possibly peeling.  There can even be gashes and dent to the wood underneath.

The wood underneath is the truth and it’s rarely seen. It’s the heart of the matter and how the piece of furniture looked at its founding; it’s construction done by the carpenter’s hand.  I love watching it progress, drinking in the smell of the wood.

When I look at any piece of furniture that has been stained or painted, I always wonder what the grain of the wood looks like underneath and what type of wood it is.  Then I wonder who built it, the year it was built and for whom.

All of our social media; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, on and on, show only the veneer of humans. We are all projecting a public image that we want others to think is true. It’s the image that we are comfortable having others see. It is the truth regarding how we express ourselves verbally but it’s partial because we’re not in the room physically present with each other.  It serves to protect our deepest emotions and events of our lives from being too visible, too vulnerable as our bodies are visible. Maybe we are aligning with a group that “fixes” all that was wrong with our mother or father instead of aligning with our true selves in group settings.

I actually accept that about others. The reason being…underneath we are all innocent children that have had to learn to cope in certain family dynamics and fundamental societal expectations where most of the time, no one asked us what we wanted or how we felt. They just told us what we should do to fit in and be liked. Knowing and obeying those parameters helped us survive and maybe kept us alive. So we view that compromise as fundamentally good. But it’s not. It is surviving, not thriving. That’s how the veneer starts. Most of the veneer comes from religion, state schools, and our family.

It’s something to keep in mind when you communicate on social media. There is no way you’re getting an authentic picture of a person on any of those sites. We all cling to religions, political parties and value systems that we feel emotionally comfortable with culturally. That doesn’t mean that a person who is opposite of you doesn’t have a good heart or a stable mind. It’s amazing how convinced we can be of how right we are when we surround ourselves with people who agree with us.

It’s not about a group as right or wrong. It’s about caring to know who people really are underneath, listening, and being authentic ourselves. We’re called to love-not to judge…anyone…ever…for any reason.


Re-Program; Your Theta Brain Waves Affect Your Subconscious Mind

In the Spirit-Mind-Body movement, many lightworkers have managed to functionally reduce the effect of their subconscious programming on their conscious mind. This is what my book “Healer” is about which you can order on this blog.

Normal adults minds are currently programmed 95% by their mother in utero and family after birth up to age 7. Lightworkers have become aware of their programmed issues and asserted their conscious mind in order to break habits that they don’t want, that are not of their choosing but were imprinted from the family. You can overstep your subconscious program and this is, in fact, the foundation of the Spiritual Movement.

In no way are we saying family is bad. Every family is different. We are saying that each person can and does have a choice over what they want their lives to be. It does not have to be dictated by the family or anyone else. This is still somewhat taboo and scary to many people but it’s beginning to dawn on everyone that individual freedom is real within a group that is interdependent, not co-dependent or addicted to a materialistic paradigm. Neither does ancestry dictate anything as genetic determinism is no longer scientifically valid. The truth is, we are all ONE human race. There are no races. There are just thousands of cultures on Earth all ONE race; the human race.

Mastering Your Brainwaves

Our brain pulses and vibrates like everything in this Universe. Brainwaves can be categorized according to their frequency. The brain pulse is measured like sound in cycles per second or Hertz. It is not about spending our entire life in an awakened mind pattern, but to attain mastery of our brainwaves. Mastery means, we want to be able to be in the state of consciousness (the brainwave pattern) of our choice at any given time and to achieve what we want to do with it. So flexibility and mastery are what we are looking for.

Delta | 0.5 – 4 cycles per second | .05 – 4 HZ-or D Waves

The lowest frequencies are delta. These are less than 4 Hz and occur in deep sleep and in some abnormal processes. It is the dominant rhythm in infants up to one year of age and it is present in stages 3 and 4 of sleep. It tends to be the highest in amplitude and the slowest waves. Delta is associated with deep sleep, this pattern is very slow. However, this brain wave pattern is important for the explorer of consciousness. If you work to merge with the mass consciousness of our planet you need to work in delta, the first step will be to learn to be conscious in your dreams. If you can do that, you can go further in the exploration. Astral projection or Out of Body experience occurs in Delta.  We increase Delta waves in order to decrease our awareness of the physical world. We also access information in our unconscious mind through Delta. Peak performers decrease Delta waves when high focus and peak performance are required. However, most individuals diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, naturally increase rather than decrease Delta activity when trying to focus.

Theta | 4-8 cycles per second | 4 – 8 HZ-or T Waves

Associated with creativity and Extra-sensory perception, the theta state is something to learn to go into at will. It is seen in connection with creativity, intuition, daydreaming, and fantasizing and is a repository for memories, emotions, sensation. Theta waves are strong during internal focus, meditation, prayer, and spiritual awareness.  There are countless ways to reach theta and is the state where your ESP can operate. If you do the proper work you can learn to enter theta at will and perform most of the psychic activities. It reflects the state between wakefulness and sleep and relates to the subconscious mind. It is viewed as abnormal in awake adults but perfectly normal in children up to 13 years old but that is societal bias. It is also normal during sleep and just upon waking. Theta is believed to reflect activity from the limbic system and hippocampus regions. Theta is observed in anxiety, behavioral activation, and behavioral inhibition. When the theta rhythm appears to function normally it mediates and/or promotes adaptive, complex behaviors such as learning and memory.

Alpha | 8-13 cycles per second | 8 – 13 HZ-or A Waves

The first pattern discovered in 1908 by an Austrian Psychiatrist named Hans Berger. Alpha pattern appears when in wakefulness where there is relaxed and effortless alertness. It is recommended to practice your creative visualization and auto-suggestion technique in alpha state. Good healthy alpha production promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in the ability to mentally coordinate, and enhance an overall sense of relaxation and fatigue. In this state, you can move quickly and efficiently to accomplish whatever task is at hand. When Alpha predominates most people feel at ease and calm. It is the major rhythm seen in most adults. The right brain initiates it.

Beta | 13- 33 cycles per second | 13 – 33 HZ –or B waves

Beta is associated with our waking activity. During a day we experience all the brainwave patterns with a predominance of Beta. It is generally regarded as a normal rhythm and is the dominant rhythm in those who are alert or anxious or who have their eyes open. It is the state that most of the brain is in when we have our eyes open and are listening and thinking during analytical problem solving, judgment, decision making, processing information about the world around us. The beta band has a relatively large range and has been divided into low, midrange and high. The left brain initiates it.

Gamma | over 33 cycles per second | 33 + HZ- or G Waves

This range is the most recently discovered and is the fastest frequency above 33Hz. While little is known in the mainstream about this state of mind, initial research shows Gamma waves are associated with bursts of insight and high-level information processing. When the brain needs to simultaneously process information from different areas, it is hypothesized that the gamma state consolidates the required areas for simultaneous processing. Note that there’s a LOT of disagreement over where Beta range ends & Gamma range begins. Gamma rhythms appear to be involved in higher mental activity, including perception and consciousness.

 The Regions of the brain that originates each wave;

Delta-The Thalumus or Cortex (the top middle of the brain)

Theta-The Hippocampal Region-(the middle-low part of the brain near the brain stem that C1 hooks into) This must be the subconscious mind.

Alpha-The Right Brain –right side of the head

Beta-The Left Brain-left side of the head

Gamma-these waves originate in the Thalamus (where Delta does) and are then observed to sweep from the frontal lobe throughout the entire brain bringing it into synchronization.  Tibetan Buddhist Monks have been observed to run Gamma waves-the fastest wave humans can produce, that we know of.

The neo-cortex and the lobes are the sites of the conscious brain.  It’s located at the top and sides of the brain. It’s been around for 300,000 years or 1/3 of our species existence. It controls voluntary thought awareness, self-control, and planning.

The subconscious mind is located in the limbic system and the brain stem. It’s the lower brain.  This is the old brain and the original human brain. It is responsible for the autonomic nervous system, control of internal organs, forges and manages all habits, insight and creativity, and emotions.  It’s much faster and efficient than the new brain and has multi-tasking abilities.

Some scientists believe the vagus nerve or spindle neurons that connect the prefrontal cortex to the insula may be the link to the new brain.  Everything initiated in the subconscious now goes into the conscious mind if we let it.


Essay; The Anima and The Animus

anima and animus

I’ve always been fascinated by the inner male inside the female (animus) and the inner female inside the male (anima). The terms were coined by the psychologist C.G. Jung.  It seems to me that humans intuitively know we each have those energies as part of our identity to some degree without over-analyzing it. Women and men are both female and male! It’s one of the reasons that the homosexual lifestyle really doesn’t bother most Americans. A Pew Research poll taken in 2017 showed that 62% of Americans support same-sex marriage. We all know that we’re learning about our bodies and our feelings whether we’re attracted to female or male at one time or another.  It’s no big deal as long as you’re honest with yourself in the midst of it and are careful of children’s attachment to parents.

I’m a trained actor with a degree in it, so I know how to have almost instant access to a wide range of emotions, and tears are super easy for me. I spent two years learning how to do that. But I much prefer laughter and happiness as part of my natural personality. Yet when I cry, it feels like a cry for the animus, the male in me that stomps all over my receptive female. My receptive female, all receptive females are beautiful. She is the bearer and producer of life after all. But is she loved and cared for safely the way she should be? Or must she always stroke the male ego to be loved, even if his behavior doesn’t call for it? If love from her partner is conditional based on size and behavior, he cannot say he loves her.  All humans go through hard patches where our self-esteem is bottomed out.  If someone really loves you, and has seen and knows that you have it in you to eventually come out of it, they’ll stay by your side, not bolt.

My experience and intuition tell me that it’s not terribly safe to be an open, loving, female in our society. Most women I know have developed serious defenses now and will even aggressively act out because there is no real equity and heaping amounts of bias based on gender! It’s very similar to unarmed black men being gunned down by police. It’s appalling and tragic!! Women are at about the same level as black men in our society and I’m guessing the stats regarding violence toward women would show this to be true.

Over fifty-four years I’ve maximized my intellect with education, developed firm boundaries in the public workplace (which doesn’t seem to make any difference), insisted on being treated with respect (sometimes it works), focused on my behavior more than my looks (rarely works), and become very focused and skilled in my work. Guys don’t like it. Once I hit my thirties, I learned how to be assertive and opinionated as well. The other thing that goes on is that as a pretty white woman, I feel no obligation to maximize my looks to feed patriarchal bullshit and make myself superficial to manipulate the system. I feel more powerful sitting in my authenticity. Women that aren’t as pretty compete with me or make sure I keep a distance from the man they’re pursuing (so weird) when I’m not even looking at him. He’s usually flirting with me! We are so programmed to believe that survival on this planet depends on finding “our level” as prescribed by the institutions and the media that we don’t even know we’re doing it!

It’s not working. I’m still seen as a girl and treated like a girl. No matter how “male” a woman learns to act in public or how many letters she has behind her name with a high I.Q., she’s still paid less than a man and treated like her first order of business is to give her body to a man or his system for his consumption. I would never get a sex change operation just so I’d have more money for security but it seems like that extreme could be called for. It’s not unlike MJ bleaching his skin to appear more white. That’s how bad our society is for anyone who is not a white male.

Thank goodness I really love my work and do it very well because of all of my dedication and accomplishment. I work with the Universe who always has my back on this rough planet. If it weren’t for my intuition and rational mind guiding me, I’d probably be dead. I very much want to be alive so it’s a good thing.

Body Truth; Science: A Masculine Disorder?


“Science is based on the professional creation and certification of knowledge which is tied to powerful interest groups, notably the state, corporations and the scientific profession itself. Patriarchy is based on male control of dominant social structures and the exclusion of women from positions of power through means such as direct discrimination, socialization and the gender division of labor.

Patriarchy within the scientific community is manifested through male control of elite positions and various exclusionary devices. The scientific method incorporates masculine features such as the objectification of nature. Scientific knowledge is masculine in its neglect of women’s experience and its adoption of paradigms built on assumptions of competition and hierarchy.”-Jill Bowling and Brian Martin, Ph.D.

Here is another article from an expert! It’s longer but VERY interesting.

Science: a masculine disorder

I woke up this morning, after being hijacked by “a friend” on a thread yesterday and then territorially denigrated in the patriarchal tradition, pondering the question; “Is the scientific method itself horse-and-buggy, materialist, patriarchal B.S.?  Is this possible? Before today, I pretty much supported it, although its methodology seemed very simplistic to me and not at all holistic. Was I the only one wondering if this might be true?

I wonder this because as a fifty-four-year-old female who is trained in science as far as needed in licensed health care, my intuition is as consistent and rational as anything I see or feel in this material world.  I also listen to it.  This phenomenon is mostly ignored, cynically scoffed at, and at best, not understood by most people including my ex-friend who has patently disrespected my intuitive read of the Mayan Harmonic for months now.  He just now told me how much better he is than me which kind of says it all.

My patients have confirmed my hands-on intuition with their bodies for fifteen years so it’s like breathing to me now.  I put my hands on someone and I can feel everything that’s going on. Then they confirm it verbally after I tell them what I sense.  Then I treat on the manifested body and they feel it again. I don’t feel it physically initially; I sense the energetic cause of the physical manifestation which is the cause of all illness; thoughts and feelings or vibrations then I assess and treat tactilely.

My ex-friend, who fancies himself a scientist, knows nothing to very little about the body and doesn’t even work in the sciences. I’ve made my living in healthcare for seventeen years. There are lessons to be learned by all.  For instance, in the last week I’ve learned two lessons:

  1.  It is unwise to only see the good in people when their shadow is blasting you in the face. They operate from cynicism and usage; not love, and you can feel it.
  2.  Many men do not have intuition on their radar and if they do, they subjugate it for the purposes of patriarchal power (money and control) or addiction. They view intuition as feminized or sub-cultural which would weaken their position in society. Other cultures can follow their intuition but patriarchal men from all cultures do not. They only use and objectify women sexually and poor people economically, no matter how nice they may seem and politically correct with their rhetoric. It’s fake. It takes an experienced and trained eye and ear to see it.  The first tip-off is, they never ask you how you are, and if they do, it’s not genuine.  You can feel it.

“Long-term structural change in science must be predicated on changing the relations between men and women.”

This applies across cultures, all over the world.  The real issue of disparity on the planet is between women and men all over the world and the rest of the issues follow.  Women are still treated in a barbaric manner, especially the child bride phenomenon.

“Complementing this approach is that taken by those specifically focusing on the reasons why there are not more women involved in the sciences. Several writers have examined science education, particularly looking at the reasons why girls leave science in their school years. Following the observations that boys get more teacher attention and girls have less confidence in their ability, in Australia, there have been some experiments with all-girls science and mathematics classes.

There has also been an analysis of the way in which science is constructed to reflect male values and suggestions about how to create a different sort of science. Arditti, for instance, argues for a feminist perspective which “would re-introduce and re-legitimize the intuitive approach”.

To be continued…


Heartset; There’s No One Left. I’m Alone.

It has finally happened after twenty years. I live alone in my house, no men, no noise, no demands for food or rides, this or that, “Mom can you help me!” “C’ mon, let’s go to the store”.

My son’s dad died two years ago…the last time I saw him was Christmas Day. Five days later, he was gone. I barely eeked out a smile as I said goodbye. He had been pretty emotionally abusive to me, frustrated his whole life, not knowing he was high-functioning autistic savant until three months beforehand. My efforts at solace could not change his brain, but he was a music legend on the pile of my torn apart heart. In addition, my son did not see his father respect me; the fruits of patriarchy.

Three months later my fiance died. I had fifteen minutes notice. We loved each other and did everything for each other. It was not to be. He had not taken care of his body and it caught up with him.

Now four days ago, my nineteen-year-old son went out the door with his backpack and no notice to start his hero’s adventure quest which is his birthright. Good for him but he could have warned me! It reminded me of the sudden death of my fiance.

On his way out, of course, he was mad at me and said I was so selfish. I suppose because I take care of myself and being a female, that is unacceptable and taboo. I wonder if he thought of the effect of his words on me, skipping them like stones across the water? Doubtful at his age.

But the men walk out quickly and don’t return I’ve learned, to the other side of this world…or town. It doesn’t matter. They’re not with me.

It is so peaceful in this house without a raucous male. Part of me has waited twenty years to take my body back from my partners and my son, and before that, a line of men, but not a long line.

Now I get an adventure quest; a fresh start, the second half of my life, a thriving business, a home, free to do whatever I want and a body with no risk of pregnancy. I haven’t given it all away.

It’s like this secret I have as a fifty-four-year-old who no one would suspect and assumes in our youth-worshipping culture, female-sacrificing altars around every corner, that I’m all washed up. “Hasn’t that woman been laid flat yet? Well, why not?” (My mother keeps literally asking that as though she’s waiting for me to fall) “She’s Selfish!” they cry. With a capital “S” not a small “s”. There is the low self and the Higher Self.

Truth is, I am my own best friend and for the first time in my life, I’m taking care of my body for me and no one else. More and more women are doing it. I’m not alone. We still have work to do and adventure quests to commence. Ridiculous isn’t it.

I feign an attitude and a bird ready to flip until my dying day…because I said so.


Re-Program; Humans Weren’t Designed to be Rational and We’re Better Thinkers for it.

Science and Intuition

Trust your instincts

“Despite the growing reliance on “big data” to game out every decision, it’s clear to anyone with a glimmer of self-awareness that humans are incapable of constantly rational thought. We simply don’t have the time or capacity to calculate the statistical probabilities and potential risks that come with every choice.

But even if we were able to live life according to such detailed calculations, doing so would put us at a massive disadvantage. This is because we live in a world of deep uncertainty, in which neat logic simply isn’t a good guide. It’s well-established that data-based decisions don’t inoculate against irrationality or prejudice, but even if it was possible to create a perfectly rational decision-making system based on all past experience, this wouldn’t be a foolproof guide to the future.”-Olivia Goldhill

Check out this chart.

Every Single Cognitive Bias

It reminds me of Sheldon on “The Big Bang Theory”.  It kind of paints a picture of autism and OCD behavior, which I’m not judging. The fact that Sheldon skews in favor of cold, hard science and numbs human emotion or social sensitivity is rare. I understand having lived with two different autistic partners.  To me, the brilliance is attractive in some way.  I’m not sure why yet.  Maybe I’m on the spectrum as ADHD? My son thinks so but no one else does.

In the 1970s, two psychologists proved, once and for all, that humans are not rational creatures. Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky discovered “cognitive biases,” showing that humans systematically make choices that defy clear logic.  I believe this is a visual interpretation of the original chart.  It is worth looking at and makes the point that we are by and largely subjective, emotional creatures.  It’s a beautiful thing…to me.

Here is the full article that goes with the “Cognitive Bias Chart”;

Humans weren’t designed to be rational and we’re better thinkers for it.

“Unconvinced? There’s an excellent real-world example of this: The financial crisis. Experts created sophisticated models and were confident that the events of the 2007 crisis were statistically impossible. Gerd Gigerenzer, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Germany, who studies decision-making in real-world settings, says there is a major flaw in any system that attempts to be overly rational in our highly uncertain world.”

“If you fine-tune on the past with an optimization model, and the future is not like the past, then that can be a big failure, as illustrated in the last financial crisis,” he explains. “In a world where you can calculate the risks, the rational way is to rely on statistics and probability theory. But in a world of uncertainty, not everything is known—the future may be different from the past—then statistics by itself cannot provide you with the best answer anymore.”

“We need hot-headed, emotional decisions

Though calling someone hot-headed or overly emotional is generally a critique of their thinking process, emotions are in fact essential to decision-making. There’s even research to show that those who suffer brain damage in the part of the organ governing emotions often struggle to make decisions. They can weigh up the pros and cons, but can’t come down on one side.”

After reading the whole article, I am in favor of using both my intuition and my rational processes.  Humans have always done that and it’s not a neat 50/50 percent of the time one way or the other.  Everyone is different.  I support the use of the scientific method when it’s appropriate.  It’s not always appropriate!  Yet our patriarchal culture with the male scientists on top uses it to hit us all over the head with a two-by-four to make sure we know that they are in charge, to such an extent that very qualified women in STEM, (Science, technology, engineering, and math), flee the university setting because of extreme gender bias. They’ve done studies. I’m correct.

The males are not in charge of their controlling attitudes in science. It’s not going to last. And many times, they’ve been wrong. Many scientists will agree that it is quite desirable to also employ the intuition, especially if leads us away from militarism.  And there are millions of humane men that are very anti-militaristic.

I’m not going to get into the gender disparity on this issue at the moment, but suffice to say, I believe all of our work, females, and males will benefit from using and having respect for both. But intuition has been derided and disregarded in favor of the Philosophy of Science category and it needs to stop. The Science of Philosophy of the Mind and Psychology needs to be taken into account also.  That is also science.