Jack Dorsey’s Birth Gateway

He’s mediated by Jupiter, home of the ICC, although I don’t know how much power they have left.

The point of this post is to show how individual’s destinies are intertwined and you can’t get away from it. But you have a ton of choices regarding how to deal with it. Each person must face their karma/dharma. That’s what earth is for; to learn. It doesn’t matter which culture, rich or poor. Everyone is equally watched over and can learn their lessons.


His Hidden Wisdom, White 5 Worldbridger, is THE DAY Elon bought Twitter. This oracle is NEVER wrong. And, his karma with the Tiamat blowup is right there as his antipode challenge. Dorsey and Bezos show up exactly, pulsing with Elon in this lifetime.
Bezos is Elon’s Hidden Wisdom; Blue 11 Eagle.

Any kin mediated in time by Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn has thick Tiamat karma. That is White WorldBridger~Red Skywalker, Yellow Seed~Blue Eagle, and Blue Night~Yellow Warrior. Physical manifestations take place at heart/ribs/pancreas, arms/hands, and shoulders.

The day Elon Musk bought Twitter, now X

It was almost exactly on his birth gateway. Major synchronicity. He is White 3 Electric Worldbridger…Mr. Electric⚡️🔌💡🚘 And he’s obsessed with Mars, his mediating planet.

He bought Twitter to do exactly what the mantra says and he says it repeatedly on the platform. DEATH is CHANGE, which people resist and fear.
There is Jack Dorsey as Blue 9 Eagle, right there, when Elon bought Twitter for way too much money. He tried to back out, and they wouldn’t let him. Now, the SEC is investigating. 🤷‍♀️ idk. I just dial it up, and there it is. My piece is that I have intuition and vision guiding me to dial up a specific person and I follow it.

Leibniz on Binary Code

IChing Hexagram 14-Possession in great measure-Soverignty. It overarches HF4 of the the Maya Oracle. It’s composed of 6 lines, not 2.

In DNA sequence it translates AAC or Lysine. The hexagrams are amino acid nucleotides, not 0 and 1. Although, they may match the + and – part of the Oracle that is Electron and Proton. I don’t know yet. I just know they aren’t dualistic digits intended for computer code.

Footnote 37 on page 21 of “Leibniz on Binary”

“An alternative view, that Leibniz’s work was largely irrelevant to the development of the modern binary computer, has been asserted forcefully by Bernhard Dotzler:

  • Structurally, the back-projection of computer binarism into the dyadic is almost the same story as the former identification of the system of binary numbers with the Yijing. Since its hexagrams are made up of only two elements-the whole and the broken line, they can formally be described as a binary system. (there are actually SIX lines-L.T.) However, this former interpretation is as wrong in terms of content as the updated one is in functional terms.” (Dotzler 2010, 29)
  • “So one could say that with dyadics, esotericism was once set against esotericism: the esotericism of the dyadic penetration of creation against the esotericism of the Yijing interpretation, which had been declared false. To remember this, of course, cannot aim at bringing the associated metaphysics back into pay. It is only a matter of keeping in focus this formerly different purpose of the binary number system: namely esoteric, and not cybernetics. Before it was seized by the binarism of information technology, the dyadic was an ontological instrument of understanding. Accordingly, it characterizes a functionality that may differ only minimally from the binary of the computer, but one which is fundamentally different.” (Dotzler 2010, 31)
  • “With this, however, the dyadic stands for a paradox, which then counteracts the myth of its anticipatory conspiracy with the binary of the computer, with cybernetics and digital arithmetic. The formal does not correspond to a functional correspondence, and that means: the equation of the binarism of today with the dyadic of yore is actually—-fiction.” (Dotzler 2010, 33)

Time Warp Manifested…

The last point is amazing in it’s synchronicity with the fact of the time warp of 3D 12:60 defining reality and binary code with TODAY, with now, 13:20 is fiction. The binary code of today embedded in NVIDIA chips and all of our tools, with Leibniz dyadic binary code of the past is fiction. It’s just wrong. 3D, 12:60 time is wrong! Yet it controls our narrative and thus our mindsets, AI, and all tech. Nobody knows any different.

I do. Nada. It needs to be fixed.

Oh, but I’ll keep reading to parse it out since everyone thinks he was a god.

Brainstorming the New Expanded Computer Code

I just happened to open up to page 197 of my Leibniz book on binary code and saw how he translated the YiChing Trigrams to 0 and 1. I knew that some years ago after studying Jose Arguelles work in Earth Ascending. But then I figured out the one to one translation of the harmonic with the Yi Ching trigrams. I did that about 7 years ago. It was a magical day.

Each YiChing trigram overarches one Mayan Harmonic Family of 4 kin or 4 days. There are 65 of those in a 260 day cycle.

Each kin/day consists of 5 amino acids and 2 different tones. Just add the components.

That first sum is 28 which are the number of days in each of the 13 Moon/lunar cycles in a solar year and the number of days per Moon in the 13 Moon calendar. So far we’ve expanded 2 (0 and 1) to 28. There is more.

Once I get the math organized, our code should easily expand from 0-1 to 0-9 or 19, it depends. That is binary to nonary. The Harmonic embodies the 0-19 code. It’s very cool.

Binary, 0 and 1, has helped us realize 4 dimensions and just the DNA double helix. 2 to the power of 3 or 2x2x2 should be the ratio of expansion which is the binary triplet configuration in the harmonic. This might not be that difficult to set the foundation.

There is a problem here (notice the binary 0 and 1. Our brains are part of our bodies. The head isn’t separate from the body and the brain doesn’t RUN the body. This isn’t HOLISTiC. This is separatist and reductionist which is Newtonian horse and buggy.

Our intelligence is in our ENTIRE BODY, not just the brain. OUR BODIES ARE OUR MIND. The mind is not IN the brain. Every holistic knows this. The CNS is the brain and spine which run the QI of timelessness, first of all. Second, the brain and spine are ONE with the rest of the body. There is no separation. And the entire Maya Harmonic OVERLAYS the entire body so that the body and the earth are expressions of the math or the harmonic. That’s why I say our bodies ARE time. TIME IS DNA.

Once I get that done, the computer programmers will need to set about writing a new version of the existing computer languages which will expand our minds, which will expand what our tools understand about time and the universe. This is all copyrighted of course as all my work is.😎💃

The Owners of Google, the most powerful company in the world. Larry Page’s birth gateway.

I got the most offensive, aggressive call last week about my google business listing that I’ve had for 25 years. They censored the NAME of my business, and they deleted my google business listing. The guy hung up on me, and now they’ve called me 3 days in a row. I have not called them back. It’s a blindside attack because once again, I’m an outlier. I cause no trouble to them. I’m just different from everyone else in this town listed on Google as bodyworkers.

Sundar Pichai is the CEO. I’m not sure Larry Page is still in charge. He just owns most of the shares with another guy, maybe. This situation is in flux, and Elon posted about Google last week before this happened, probably thinking about buying them out. I’ve asked him to try to take them over. Google needs to cease existing as they are now. They are illegal and unacceptable, like Facebook.


Larry Page, Owner of Google Alphabet, Inc. Birth gateway

This is divisive communication and spirituality.  Mediated by Uranus. I bet his neck hurts a lot. Uranus frequencies affect the neck. 🤷‍♀️

He is an Aries Sun and White 2 Polarizing Wind ruled by Uranus. His antipode, Yellow 2 Human, is in HF33, so he is one of the shadow hackers of HF33.

On December 4, 2019, along with his co-founder, Brin, they stepped down from all executive positions and day-to-day roles within the company. He remains an Alphabet Inc. board member, employee, and controlling shareholder.

Synthetic AI DNA can be stored on a computer

DNA is not the same as Epigenetic RNA

DNA stored on a computer is pretty much a robot like Tesla’s Optimus. A computerized robot can’t utilize blood and evolve a body as we can, yet, but most importantly, clever men who are atheists can not create a soul. But they don’t believe in any of that, so I’m sure they’ll try. I’m examining this not advocating it but posting it, so you can examine it also.

The Source post is just an account on X; AI onwheels


“Did you know the concept of #DNAStorage was envisioned by physicist Richard Feynman in 1959? It wasn’t until 2012 that this idea saw a groundbreaking realization at Harvard University. Geneticists George Church, Sri Kosuri, & their team encoded a 52,000-word book into DNA, using the DNA’s A, G, T, and C as binary codes! This marked the inception of a new era in data storage.

The journey continued with a significant milestone in 2019 when scientists encoded a massive 16GB text from the English Wikipedia into synthetic DNA. In 2021, the tech leaped forward with the creation of a custom DNA data writer, achieving a writing speed of 18 Mbps!

The promise? A gram of DNA could theoretically store a colossal 215 petabytes (215 million gigabytes) of data, heralding a new horizon in how we store and retrieve information. The convergence of biology & tech is not just a narrative of innovation but a testament to human ingenuity.

The future of data storage is intertwined with the essence of life – our DNA. #BioTech #DataRevolution“-END QUOTE

Lisa’s Response

Once again, this is a C@#$% hack via skull and bones Harvard, of the systems in the Maya Tzolkin Harmonic, which predate anything tech clever men have done by 26,000 years or more. But the harmonic is about dynamic, uncontrollable, freewill dominated RNA, the jelly-like stuff they call junk that is key to our evolution and destiny.

2012? That’s our time shift frequency, which began a new evolutionary cycle, so that was a hack by the wayward ones of our information. They know how to use HF33 to do it but will never fully get the information. Elon built 33 Raptor engines into his rocket. The names of his rockets are Raptor, Falcon, and Dragon. That’s no accident. Corey Goode says the Raptors are in charge of the planet in inner earth, the falcon is an archetype of Blue Eagle mediated by Jupiter, the home of the ICC, and the Dragon is The Draco. His mother is Red 1 Dragon. None of that scares me, and I still believe things can be brought right into safety, but there is much synchronicity around Tesla, whose motives, many people still question. I tend to trust people, but I’ve learned not to for whatever that’s worth.

52,000? That’s 26,000 × 2, an exponential, indigenous timing concept. Every 52 years, a kin begins a new life. 52-year cycles and adding zeros are very important in accurate timing frequency in our sector.

Again, DNA is only 2% of our genome and the trillion cells in our body. The rest is RNA that we are epigenetically in charge of.

Humans can be super awful, violent, and evil because of our brains and emotions, but we can also be lightworkers and artists, helpers, loving parents and mates, athletes, and dancers. We just have to each forgive off kilter, abusive members of our birth family and take charge of our lives and minds. No small feat, but people do it. My patients do. People need help and that’s what therapists are there for. Observing synchronicity and taking care of and loving your body is the ticket.


The Satellite Population in Earth’s Orbit Could Alter and Weaken the Magnetosphere

Extrapolating into the future, Solter worries that satellite debris could weaken Earth’s magnetic field–the same magnetic field that protects us from cosmic rays and solar storms.

Sierra Solter-NASA

I’m real popular on X.com posting stuff like this and actually all of my projects. NOT!

I appreciate NASA studying the issue though.

WILL MEGACONSTELLATIONS DAMAGE EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD? Something unprecedented is happening in Earth orbit. In only a few short years, the satellite population has skyrocketed, more than doubling since 2020. In the past year alone, more satellites have been launched than during the first thirty years of the Space Age. Much of this activity is driven by SpaceX and its growing megaconstellation of Starlink internet satellites.

Environmentalists have raised many concerns about Starlink including light-pollution of the night sky, a potentially hazardous traffic jam in low-Earth orbit, and even ozone depletion. Copycat megaconstellations by other companies and countries will only multiply these concerns.

Now there’s a new reason to worry. According to a new study by Sierra Solter, megaconstellations could alter and weaken Earth’s magnetic field.

Solter is a graduate student at the University of Iceland, working on her PhD in plasma physics. She recently realized something overlooked by many senior colleagues: “More than 500,000 satellites are expected in decades ahead, primarily to build internet megaconstellations. Every satellite that goes up will eventually come down, disintegrating in Earth’s atmosphere. This will create a massive layer of conducting, electrically charged particles around our planet.”

To understand the scale of the problem, consider the following: If you gathered up every charged particle in Earth’s Van Allen Belts, their combined mass would be only 0.00018 kg. Other components of the magnetosphere such as the ring current and plasmasphere are even less massive. For comparison, “the mass of a second generation Starlink satellite is 1250 kilograms, all of which will become conductive debris when the satellite is eventually de-orbited,” says Solter.

Metal debris from a single deorbited Starlink satellite is 7 million times more massive than the Van Allen Belts. An entire megaconstellation is billions of times more massive. These ratios point to a big problem.

“The space industry is adding enormous amounts of material to the magnetosphere in comparison to natural levels of particulate matter,” says Solter. “Due to the conductive nature of the satellite debris, this may perturb or change things.”

There is already evidence of this process in action. A 2023 study by researchers using a high-altitude NASA aircraft found that 10% of aerosols in the stratosphere contain aluminum and other metals from disintegrating satellites and rocket stages. These particles are drifting down from “the ablation zone” 70 to 80 km above Earth’s surface where meteors and satellites burn up.

Solter decided to look for changes in the electrical properties of the ablation zone–and she found something. A NASA model of the upper atmosphere shows a sharp increase in the “Debye Length” just where satellites break apart when they deorbit:

“Debye Length” is a number that tells researchers how far an unbalanced electrical charge can be felt in conducting plasmas. The fact that it changes abruptly in the same place satellites disintegrate may be significant.

Extrapolating into the future, Solter worries that satellite debris could weaken Earth’s magnetic field–the same magnetic field that protects us from cosmic rays and solar storms.

“It’s a textbook undergraduate physics problem,” she explains. “Suppose you put a conductive shell (satellite debris) around a spherical magnet (Earth). Outside the shell, the magnetic field goes to zero due to shielding effects. This is a highly simplified comparison, of course, but we might actually be doing this to our planet.”  

Solter’s preliminary study appears to show that the space industry is indeed perturbing the environment.  “It is very concerning,” she concludes. “We absolutely cannot dump endless amounts of conductive dust into the magnetosphere and not expect some kind of impact. Multidisciplinary studies of this pollution are urgently needed.”

For more information, you can read Solter’s original research here.

Zuck…Big Tech Technospbere Gets Checked

I just mentioned him on today’s video. He is White 10 Planetary World-Bridger mediated by Mars. Remember Tone 10~4 balance are materialistic and ambitious. They think big and act big and have huge egos. Par for the course. These tone 10 folks aren’t big on compassion or emotion but can feign it, tricking people. It’s the TONE, not the tribe.

Here is the link:


Barrage of solar storms to strike Earth tomorrow triggering auroras amid warnings of ‘tech chaos’

You can usually feel it in your brain and heart rate. That’s where it hits me. I drink lots of water and take lutein, evening primrose, bilberry, and fish oil. And meditate. You need to relax your eye muscles to let in the new energy. Close your eyes and roll them back. It feels good.

When your eyes are open you are in alpha brain wave state which interprets the illusory 4D world (soul school) but when you close your eyes you can easily go into theta which takes your focus back, down and in to your midbain and then up to crown chakra remote viewing, if you want to. Be careful. This can get rid of head pressure.

“Barrage of solar storms to strike Earth tomorrow triggering auroras amid warnings of ‘tech chaos’” https://nypost.com/2022/03/30/barrage-of-solar-storms-to-strike-earth-tomorrow-triggering-auroras-amid-warnings-of-tech-chaos/amp/

Disclosure is Going to Change the Power Dynamics in all of our Oppressive Institutions who do not have Humans Best Interests in Mind. Our E.T. Ancestors Do and They are Real, and HERE.