Watch “American Lions: JFK & Trump’s War with the Deep State over UFO Secrecy” on YouTube

Original posting of this was November 2020, one year after Covid first hit, but no one knew what it was.

This is a must watch video by Dr. Michael Salla on the 57th anniversary of JFK assassination. 9 minutes. Share with your friends via email, mainly for the history and suggestion it contains, not because you agree with it at this point. Trump is no savior. He has said and shown that he loves money. The ICC loves money too. So do the Dems. Is he working with the ICC? And Trump supported the Covid Vax!!! Very bad.

Just for the record, I’m not convinced about the agenda behind linking JFK, his son John Jr. and Trump. Supposedly John John is Q. I have no problem believing he’s alive. People’s deaths are faked for all kinds of reasons. And Dr. Salla is supporting whatever the agenda is. Are these folks really opposed to A.I.?

I question everyone these days. Use your critical thinking. Everyone has an agenda. My agenda his health and body empowerment for the entire human race and the absolute eradication of A.I. -Lisa T. 12/29/22

Yesterday 9:30am NPR posted this, BEFORE the violence started

I originally posted this on January 7, 2021, the day after the left tried to frame Trump and his supports for the rioting on the capitol.

FACT: At noon, Trump began an over one-hour speech encouraging protesters to PEACEFULLY march to the U.S. Capitol. At 12:49 p.m.

JFK Jr.-John John

He was Red 12 Crystal Dragon. Predictably, he adored his mother Jacqueline Onassis (White 4 World bridger). She died on his Mayan gateway! It happens all the time.

Jackie O. Died on May 19, 1994. Check it yourself. Guess what folks. That gateway is Red 12 Crystal Dragon, the same as her son John John’s birth gateway. His birthday was November 25, 1960. Tzolkin destiny is real, it’s math, and it’s not to be taken as a joke. She died on her son’s birth gateway. Red Dragon is the primordial mother, blood memory, the ancestral bond of mother to child that comes through the mother. This is beautiful truth. All you have to do to see the absolute destiny truth about people is dial up their birthday and death day and the kin around them; family and friends.

Why did I find this today on Yellow 9 Human?

This popped up today on the cover of the NY Times;

Politicians are covered as if they were celebrities, while celebrities seek out a voice on politics.

The NY Time Article

The reason for this is they are both actors. They tell you what you want to hear to get your attention and charge you money (theater tickets) or ask for money (campaign fundraising) to do it. They know you aren’t meditating and tuning into your own power but looking to them for inspiration. It’s quite lucrative to use the public’s weakness.-Lisa T.

The early nineties were a golden age for glossy magazines. It was an incredibly lucrative business, because, in the days before the Internet became ubiquitous, companies poured their advertising budgets into magazines.

The Article

After President Kennedy disclosed that he was going to tell the American people the truth about the LOC, the Lunar Operations Command, and probably the ICC (The International Corporate Conglomerate), it is believed, and Corey Goode has said that from his sources, the CIA orchestrated it back in 1963.

President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963; Red 12 Crystal Skywalker. President JFK was born May 29, 1917-White 10 World Bridger. So he and his wife were in the same tribe whose archetype was death. That, and with the Skywalker kin as analogs, are tied up with the Maldekian karma.

Before that Marilyn Monroe was assassinated on August 4, 1962; White 5 Overtone Mirror. That was set up to look like a suicide but JFK had told her his secrets and she spoke up in his defense. Her birthday was June 1, 1926, also a Gemini like JFK; White 9 Solar Wizard; A Maldekian

He also told his brother and best friend, Robert and then they assassinated him on June 6, 1968; Red 4 Self-Existing Moon. He was born November 20, 1925; Red 11 Spectral Dragon

And of course Martin Luther King was killed on April 4, 1968; White 6 Rhythmic World Bridger . He was born January 15, 1929; Yellow 5 Overtone Human.

It was a bloody five years keeping the Local System C&*() secrets from getting out. This is the function of factions of the Maldekian; Red Serpent, White Wizard, White World-Bridger and Red Skywalker right now in our timeline. There is dispute over the function of setting up earth as a refugee planet for humans. It was set up by Blue Hand and Yellow Human kin! Earth is their mediating planet and today is Yellow Human whose analog is Blue Hand.

Trump is Blue 3 Hand. Blue Kin, all the tribes, are notoriously smart and emotionally detached. It gets them far in The Matrix full of people who can be useful for their agenda. They see the truth clearly though and speak it; Blue Night, Blue Hand, Blue Monkey, Blue Eagle, Blue Storm. Wealth, Accomplishment, Magic, Vision, and Self-Generation. Powerful stuff

Lalli’s first issue hit newsstands in March 2000, featuring Donald Trump on the cover with the headline “The Secret Behind Trump’s Political Fling.” Lalli says the idea came from someone on the business side of the magazine who knew Trump. (Pecker, who’d already left Hachette, wasn’t involved with the cover.) At the time, Trump was a famous but often ridiculed real estate developer with multiple bankruptcies on his résumé who hadn’t yet starred on The Apprentice. He was someone who appeared more in tabloid gossip columns than on the business pages, which is why former George staffers believe Kennedy wouldn’t have put him on the cover.

The article

After finishing the read of this Dem article, it’s clear to me the wagons are circled around Trump to destroy him and stop him from running. He’s got something in those documents that is a bomb for the both parties and the entire government. He could bring down the U.S. Government and bring up Disclosure for the world. It’s very doubtful that his party will ever support him to run. The future has not been decided. With White 11 Spectral Wizard as his Hidden Wisdom, he has more in common with Robert Kennedy as far as destiny than anyone else. RFK was Red 11 Dragon, the kin on which our solar system boundary was closed from the Draco threat on 12/5/14. This pulses on Trump 3~11 pulse. I’m not pro-Trump. I’m pro disclosure and balance in journalism and politics of which we have none, two years before the 2024 national election.

Biden Would Like That Wouldn’t He?

“We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Mr. Biden told a crowd at the second of two fund-raisers he attended on Thursday evening.

And I just posted a video on today’s blog from 1963. I’m surfing timelines today folks. No atomic weapons are allowed on Earth anymore. The E.T. will STOP them. End of story. He can stop pouring billions into a money laundering war in Ukraine, Mr. Corruption.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was October 16, 1962 – October 29, 1962. That is Blue 13 Cosmic Monkey – Yellow 13 Cosmic Seed. Wow! That covers the entire Yellow Human Wavespell;#8, the Power of Free Will. What we know is JFK, who was the President at the time, believed in democracy and free will and was going to disclose everything about the ICC and the LOC to the American people. That’s why they assassinated him, his brother, Marilyn Monroe, and Martin Luther King. 1963 was a bloody year for the C!@#4. What was Joe Biden doing in 1963? JFK, RFK, and MLK.

GEE, look what I found from the NY Times dated October 23, 2021~! Post is below.

As you read and ponder what Biden is doing TODAY, what he is saying and what the FBI did to Trump and is doing, Biden and Trump are RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER IN THE TZOLKIN. White 2 Worldbriger leads to Blue 3 Hand. So we are playing out Maldek karma, intervened on by WB~Skywalker and seeded on Earth by Blue Hand~Yellow Human tribes. It is no mistake that the Cuban missile crisis happened exactly over Yellow Human Wavespell. We are still trying to get freewill manifested on this planet. Continue reading…

JFK assassination records. Hmm, who might have those as we speak and is being investigated by Biden D.O.J.? Do you see below where they say the National Archives need MORE TIME TO WORK ON REDACTIONS? Holy crap. Well, we already know the truth. The Biden Admin. is so corrupt. The Dems weren’t always like this. It really turned in 1963. The root of all this trouble is the existence of ICC, the International Corporate Conglomerate in our local system and the continued suppression of E.T’s. I found all of this after I finished today’s blog. I’m really time traveling today. It’s all connected with synchronicity.

An estimated 50 million people dies in WWII. War needs to end on Earth.

‘Playtime Is Over’: Judge Dearie Impresses Experts as Hearing Set in Trump Case

I wasn’t sure if MSM was Sharing this good and fair news so I’m sharing it here. Nothing destructive or slanderous of either party. This is a good lineup for Monday.

9/22/22-I Predict Mara-Lago Circus Will Be Finished Bc They Can’t Win. Nor can They Assassinate Him as They’d Like Without Drawing Attention to Themselves

I wrote this 5 days ago because I had a premonition. You can’t fight time nor can you win against destiny. It’s fabulous. Your own choices, heart, and mind create your own time and destiny. Choose well.

Trump is Blue Hand. Blue Hand people are healers on many levels. They care about people and are very, very accomplished and cause tremendous jealousy. They aren’t perfect, just smart and tuned in.

I do not see us having a normal election in 2024. The world is going to be a different place soon as the secrets come up, the main energy sources are changed and equity naturally comes to the earth. Partisan politics will not be necessary anymore. But this shift will happen in society over the next 2 years. I don’t think there will be a president anymore, but I’m not positive. Again, the future is based on collective choice.

Trump suggests the Mar-a-Lago documents were bound for his library. But advisers say he’s rarely talked about it.

He can’t talk about it!

This article is a bit long but it is fascinating with regard to what rights ex and future Presidents have to their records or records kept by the government that THEY had a hand in creating, such as…

E.T. contact. Someone has already spoken to Trump about the inhabited universe and for all we know he has met some of them. What we DO know is that he is a believer. We also know that he doesn’t like the military secrets with regard to E.T. any more than we do.

What if that’s what all the hullabaloo is about? I think it is. Remember, he is the one who proudly started the U.S.Space Force and picked the flag for it.

The Space Force is a branch of the Air Force

What Happened in the Afghanistan War? – The New York Times

The original plan was to exit Afghanistan on Sept. 11, 2021, 20 years to the day after 9-11, but Biden changed it to Aug.30. 9-11 2022 is coming up in this wavespell, Yellow 12 Warrior and pulses on Biden’s birth gateway.

The withdrawal was Blue 12 Crystal Storm, also pulsing on the hidden wisdom of Biden, ruled by Pluto. 2-12 are occult Tones.

9-11-01 was Blue 4 Self-Existing Monkey with Blue 4 Hand as Guide Power so that pulses on a different timeline.

I’m suggesting that there is crossover synchronicity between the Afghan war, 911, Biden, and Trump. They are manipulating the timeline. or trying to.