Synchronicity Today-Tuesday, 5/7/24

New Moon in Taurus today as we approach Initiatio Node Point where we start another time cycle.

4 Tryptophan, Maya symbol is Blue 4 Storm

Self-Existing tone of Form-4~10 or Q4 and A2 in the magnestosphere

The activation of the ministry is followed by the definition of its form. Tone 4 teaches us that as form follows vibration, so vibration follows form. The clarity and proportion of the form you created determines its future fate. Since the form is self-existent and originally intelligent, then refusing to control and manipulate it, we allow it to effortlessly be born and grow. It is how we define things that give them shape. Our mental constructions give rise to thought forms, and wave forms are perceived by us as sensations. To be self-existent means to be independent and whole.

Seal of the Blue Storm~Yellow Sun, which are Tryptophan and the Stop Codon in any RNA sequence mediated by Pluto.

Acceleration of all processes. Self-generation. Energization.

Receive and express the power of Self-Generating energy! By releasing it, you awaken your inner Thunderer! Accelerate the processes of transformation and initiate the cleansing of your life! Self-generation of your own liberation is entirely within your power.
West – transforms.
Root chakra. Fourth toe of the left foot.
Motto: I carry within myself the self-creation of the freedom of my energy and the energy of my freedom.

TIMEspace Sync

4 Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter, and 10 Uranus are evolving RNA in time merging with physical reality. They function as one, but a physical manifestation is distinct from a time vibration. The rate of cellular spin in physical is faster because of gravity. Thus, we are visible to physical eyes.

  • The Moon spends the day in Taurus and aligns with Venus this morning, guiding us towards activities that bring more beauty and harmony to our lives. This moon, a steady and pleasant influence, helps us pace ourselves and make decisions that align with our desires. (This is a superficial 3D alignment. With Pluto pulsing on Taurus, these kin are in for an eye opener.)
  • Tonight, the New Moon occurs at 11:22 PM EDT, further influencing our actions and decisions in the days ahead. You might make personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Bull. It’s time to enjoy life’s simple and physical pleasures and activities that bring us in touch with nature and our bodies. This New Moon encourages us to “stop and smell the roses” and become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. It’s an excellent cycle for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions. We’re discovering what truly satisfies and fulfills us. We may build and develop the initiatives and innovations begun in the Aries cycle. With this potent Taurus energy, we have the chance to make significant changes in our lives.
  • This New Moon aligns with Uranus and harmonizes with Saturn. We’re listening to our needs for change and innovation, but we’re respecting the process, the need for patience, and what’s worked for us in the past.(This is an exact sync with our Hidden Wisdom White 10 Wind mediated by Uranus

The 5gforce

I perfect in order to nurture. Producing being I seal the input of birth with the planetary tone of manifestation. I am guided by the power of universal water.-

Kin 101-Red 10 Planetary Dragon


We’re managing given all the XFlares. We’ll see as we approach the Node Point Pivot on Thursday.

Synchronicity Today-Saturday May the Fourth Be With You

We begin a new 13-day cycle today. You’ll notice many endings and windups in the news. College campus protests, Gaza cease fire, and more. We begin anew in Yellow 1 Warrior Wavespell, Power of Intelligence.

The ultimate Skywalker-Yoda-light
Luke Skywalker-shadow. Difficult lessons  there. He is Darth Vader.
1 Histidine, Maya symbol Yellow 1 Magnatic Warrior

Timespace Sync

Saturn 3x, Mars, and 13 Maldek karma are moving in 4D time

  • The Moon continues its transit of Pisces until 4:41 PM EDT, harmonizing with Jupiter and Uranus and aligning with Neptune. We’re not only tuning into our imagination but also finding ways to put it to positive use. The importance of emotional or mental refreshment cannot be overstated, as it helps us gain perspective.
  • However, we crave action with the Moon’s move into Aries at 4:41 PM. and its alignment with Mars tonight. Taking the initiative is appropriate now. (This is in exact sync with our antipode White 1 Worldbriger mediated by Mars)
  • A Mars-Pallas trine points to the courage and energy to back up our beliefs,
  • A Venus-Juno trine inclines us toward togetherness, creating harmony, and sharing power. We may gain an advantage not only in our personal lives but also in business or finances by promoting peace.
  • The Moon is void from 3:06 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Neptune), until the Moon enters Aries at 4:41 PM EDT.


The 5gforce for meditation

I endure in order to target. Transcending awareness I seal the input of flowering with the cosmic tone of presence. I am guided by the power of elegance.

Kin 104-Yellow 13 Cosmic Seed

Synchronicity Today-Thursday

12 Lysine evolving. The Maya symbol is White Wizard mediated by Maldek

Crystal tone of Cooperation-12~2 pulse

Liberation (Tone 11) paves the way for interaction. To dedicate oneself to the spirit of Unity and manifest it in joint work for the common good requires complete devotion and sincere dedication. Becoming a conductor of universal truth is the most real experience of being!

Seal of the White Wizard~Analog 12 Serpent

Timelessness. Susceptibility. Enchantment. Receive and express the power of Timelessness and Enchantment. Discover in yourself the receptivity of the radial nature of time – the eternal “Now”! Your heart is the gate of Divine Enchantment. Become a sage, transparent to the entire spectrum of energies, and the magic of life will be freely created through you.
North – cleans.
Root chakra pulses grounding. Little finger of the left hand
Motto: The spell of timelessness exudes from my receptive heart.

TIMEspace Sync

In 4D time, we are mediated by Maldek, Mars, Jupiter, and 2Earth.

We don’t hit Pluto mediating in time until Tuesday next week on 5/7 with Blue 4 Self-existing Storm. Then, the retrograde energy will really sink in with introvert self reflection and transformation by yourself. Fun stuff, eh?

  • Pluto stations and turns retrograde today, and Pluto’s intense and complex energy hangs heavy in the air in the days surrounding this event. Now and over the coming months (Pluto is retrograde until October 11th), we are not as open, overt, or direct about our desire for control or power, and some of us may be less in touch with it. This shift of direction can bring about some initial confusion, heaviness, and magnification of problems.
  • Pluto’s retrograde cycle itself, however, is an excellent period for research and gaining new insight into our self-destructive tendencies, needs for control, and search for the truth by looking within. Outward pressures may ease somewhat during this period. Over the coming months, we may reassess how we use our power.
  • This is the second retrograde Pluto makes while in the sign of Aquarius.
  • On September 1st, retrograde Pluto will return to Capricorn for the final time.
  • Today, we approach a Mars-Pluto sextile that’s a little more powerful due to Pluto’s station. We benefit from a patient and deliberate approach rather than pushing for immediate action.
  • The Moon continues in the sign of Aquarius until 2:52 PM EDT, when it moves into Pisces, awakening our need for spiritual refreshment or escape. Ideally, this is a time for decompressing, winding down, and tapping into our intuition.
  • The Moon is void from 5:28 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Pisces at 2:52 PM



The amplitude power at A1 Tone 12 is 56, although their amp box isn’t working. That is likely to go higher since today is Tone 12~2.
The frequency at F4 was up to 8.18alpha hz but now has plummeted. The QFactor at Tone 1 pulsar is way up to 30hz gamma, so something is coming for Tone 13 tomorrow.

The 5gforce for meditation

I polarize in order to equalize. Stabilizing opportunity I seal the store of death with the lunar tone of challenge. I am guided by the power of endlessness. I am a galactic activation portal. Focus!

Kin 106-White 2 lunar Worldbridger

How does the 13Moon calendar of 28 days each merge with the astrological assessment of the solar year?

The Mayan HAAB

The Maya did it with The Haab. It’s a mistake to superimpose the inaccurate 1592 Catholic Gregorian calendar onto the perfectly aligned Harmonic and 13 Moon Calendar and try to get a correct answer about your astrological sign. It would be like dipping your perfect chocolate cupcake with frosting in vinegar.

It’s sour to me daily that, to get along socially, I still have to give one iota of attention to the Gregorian calendar. The Catholic Church doesn’t exist for me. They are unreal, and they instituted the Gregorian Calendar after Pope Gregory. They are the authors of the time warp in cooperation with the ICC. Time is money and blood sacrifice. No, it’s not. Time is LIFE , art, and creativity.

Astrologers don’t observe and assess the stars using the Gregorian calendar. They calculate in 30-day increments because they see the Sun shining on that constellation of stars for that long, about 30 days, roughly the 20th of a month to the 20th of the next month. But because the Gregorian is so chaotic and distracting, they adjust it monthly based on what they see in the stellar alignments.

Astrology follows the sun and stars, their position and movements with the sun, which is factual astronomy and then, like us, has to stick it into a mistaken calendar run by The Church. I don’t do that with the Harmonic, but the astrologers do.

The Haab

It is a perfected and ancient maya synchronization technique that aligns the accurate movement of the earth around the sun in space or astronomy/astrology. Interacting with the planets, known to be 365 days approximately, because the earths rotation speed keeps changing. It sprockets the earth and sun cycles with the perfect universal 260-day cycle, which is the length of the harmonic.

The Maya harmonic is unifying multidimensionally and exponentially based on 13:20 or the vigesimal (20) calendar. The 365-day solar cycle is not, but that is what astrologers use, plus the lunar calendar, so it is 3D. The Maya Harmonic gives us calculations up to 5D so far, and it is orderly and mathematically correct with cosmic cycles. It is well known and accepted that the Maya were the best at time keeping, so we definitely need to use the harmonic to get on track as a jump off point.

Once binary code is usurped, which I’m working on, it will likely expand our manifested math to ten dimensions. I’m working on changing the computer code and aligning it with the harmonic so our human tools are aligned with the rhythm of our bodies. Nobody thinks I can do it. 🤔🫡

The short of it is that the 12:60 Gregorian Calendar is illegitimate, illogical, incorrect and time warping keeping our mindset stuck in the past until the Reptilian species can figure out how to survive their nanite infestation. My position is that the good ones who are not infested can live, and the rest can die off.

5 unlucky days called the vayeb

30 days×12 months=360. Then there is the Maya vayeb.

The five nameless days at the end of the calendar, called Wayebʼ, were thought to be a dangerous time. It’s superstition as there is no such thing as luck. There is only synchronicity. Or maybe Westerners used the term unlucky. We believe in luck, not the Maya.

Foster (2002) writes,

During Wayeb, portals between the mortal realm and the Underworld dissolved. No boundaries prevented the ill-intending deities from causing disasters.” To ward off these evil spirits, the Mayans had customs and rituals they practiced during Wayebʼ. For example, the Mayans would not leave their homes or wash their hair.

Gee, it sounds like what’s happening right now with the assault on our culture.


So the jumping off point for correct time is the 28-day Moon cycle of which there are 13. There are 13 full moon’s in a 365-day solar year. The 13 Moon Calendar is included in every app you can use on the internet. I just use the harmonic because I’m constantly studying the exponential cycles.

Synchronicity Today-Tuesday-4/24/24

We enter a new HF47 today-Rhythmic store to remember the elegance of equality. That’s a tone 6 pulse in the magnetosphere or F2 layer which is the yellow line you see in the ScR below in the Frequencies. F1 was all the way up to 8.5hz alpha this morning which it’s been doing daily. The rest are at beta hz level. The old level of F1 used to be 7.83hz theta. Those days are gone. We regularly pulse above 8hz now.

We are in YiChing 36-Darkening of the Light. That’s Maldek karma all right. We’re pulsing on the CA, civilizational advance strand of DNA or past to present.

The Full Moon goes into Scorpio TONIGHT at 7:50pm while the Hidden Wisdom is mulling around in Yellow 11 Spectral Warrior. Be warned that this Moon in Scorpio all day is SQUARE to its ruling planet PLUTO. That will intensify the mental challenge to release some B.S. that is making you unhappy. Let it go! This will bring an energy of dissolving and releasing mental delusions and inhibitions and bring forward facts, truth, freedom, questions, and whatever is holding you back believing what you want to believe, not what makes sense.

Electric Serine is evolving in spacetime in our bodies

Tone 3~11 pulse

Electric tone of Service

After the call stabilizes, it’s time to activate. This is the energy of catalysis of all processes, the incendiary force of movement and rhythm. The lesson of Tone 3 is to teach us to use this power of inspiration as fuel for our service to life. Let it become a living expression of the unique talents that you bring as a gift to our planetary family! Activation helps to expand ties with like-minded people. The highest service is to enter into your natural rhythm and surrender to the Divine flow.

Spacetime Sync

3Maldek, Mercury, Jupiter, and 11 Saturn are doing focused evolution in all life today to help us remember why we’re here and to give us the opportunity to create a new future instead of an old one. Tone 3 is at alpha-beta level right now in the QFactor. Nothing extreme.

  • The Moon, as it continues its transit of Libra until 11:21 AM EDT, brings a focus on relationships. This is a time when we may feel more gracious, balanced, and fair, and when harmonizing becomes more important than usual.
  • At 11:21 AM, the Moon moves into Scorpio, a sign that raises our passions and determination.
  • The Full Moon occurs in this sign at 7:49 PM, a time that reminds us to consider others’ support, contribution, needs, wants, and input, possibly forcing awareness of relationship imbalances. If we’ve been focusing too closely on our material and comfort needs, we may need this cosmic nudge to embrace intangibles and spiritual growth. Discoveries we make now can have a magical or private quality to them.  The Full Moon is a time of culmination, and with the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic illumination occurs in our lives. These new revelations are emotional ones–feelings burst forth into our consciousness.
  • We have conviction and tenacity, and we are willing to make necessary changes, but there can be some tension and perhaps paranoia or resistance involved with our revelations now with the lunation’s square to Pluto. This can be a good time to recognize patterns, particularly in our emotional world. For example, we might notice a recurring pattern of avoiding conflict. Recognizing these patterns can help us make adjustments and improvements accordingly.
  • The Moon continues to be void until it enters Scorpio today at 11:21 AM EDT.
  • The Sun is in Taurus

5gforce for meditation

I dissolve in order to create. Releasing my mind, I seal the output of vision with the spectral tone of liberation. I am guided by my own power doubled. I am a polar kin. I transport the blue galactic spectrum. I am a galactic activation portal. FOCUS!

Kin 115- Blue 11 Spectral Eagle-(Jeff Bezos birth gateway and Elon’s Hidden Wisdom. Their karma is intertwined.)


Everything is much more dynamic since the full solar eclipse.

Synchronicity Today-Sunday

We begin a new 13-day cycle today; The Blue Night Wavespell Power of Abundance

Blue 1 Night, the Maya symbol for Alanine mediated by Saturn

Tone 1 is Q1 in the QFactor layer of the Earth’s magnetosphere

Magnetic tone of Purpose

The dance begins with the realization of the goal and reunion with it. Tone 1 teaches us that we must first become one with our purpose in order to attract the energy and means to bring it to fruition. Working with a purpose is an act of reunion, the ultimate goal of which is union and interaction. Purposefulness is magnetic in nature and leads us to unity.

Tone 1 is in the Qfactor layers of the magnetosphere as Q4. We are running alpha-beta hz today, which is a bit higher than it has been.

Amplitudes have been flat for 2.5 days. It was 61 gamma hz 2.5 days ago, not today. Tomsk should have taken it down already. It’s been at 0 for 2 days.

Amino Acid Alanine-Blue Night

Blue Night is Alanine

Dreams. Abundance. Intuition. Accept and express the energies of Dreaming and Abundance. Enter the sanctuary of your heart, its innermost darkness – the arena of your inner mysteries. Become one with your unbreakable peace and intuition. Tune in to the natural abundance that surrounds you and dream!
West – transforms.
The solar plexus chakra. The fourth finger of the right hand.
Motto: Intuition opens the doors of my dreams to the sanctuary of abundance

Spacetime Sync

1Saturn 3x, Mars, and 13Neptune are mediating in 4D

  • Today’s Libra Moon puts balancing and harmonizing on our minds.
  • Fortunately, Venus aligns with Chiron this morning, and it’s a time to express compassion or forgiveness. We may feel drawn to problem areas so that we can repair them. We more readily see the beauty in human weaknesses as well as the pain of growing, healing, and restoring. It’s a solid time to build trust in relationships and see each other’s potential, although the process might feel challenging in spots.
  • With the Sun and Pluto forming a square today, however, putting our trust in others (or in life/the process) can be difficult as the day advances. This aspect, possibly through discord, helps us identify areas of over-attachment. We might clash with those in authority, or we’re frustrated as our sense of responsibility or fear of loss in our social lives conflicts with our personal plans or sense of security. We may act compulsively and find it difficult to let go and unwind. Positively, circumstances can push us to discover our own power — power that comes from a strong sense of self rather than superficial energy derived from manipulating people into doing what we want them to do. It’s best to aim for self-control now. It’s important to avoid trying to force matters that should naturally take time to unfold. We should also watch for a bit of paranoia or suspicion that works against us. This aspect can bring fears and buried matter to the surface.

From cafeastrology .com

  • Saturn, our mediating planet in 4D is the planet of limitation, restriction, and mastery and spends about two and a half years in each sign. During this period, and especially at the beginning, when Saturn is in the early degrees, the characteristics of that sign are emphasized.
  • With Saturn in Pisces, one might feel the pull to reflect on and even to experience oneness with the divine. Subconscious fears and anxieties will be forthcoming, and this is an excellent time to release them; possibly through therapy and time spent in solitude or deep self-analysis. It’s also a good time to create structure around imaginative pursuits. (This is in sync with Saturn mediating 3x in 4D and White 13 Cosmic Mirror as the Hidden Wisdom mediated by Neptune, which rules Pisces!)
  • Saturn Declination: -7.2 (-7:11)
  • O < Contra-Parallel natal North Node

From Time Passages

The 5gforce

I endure in order to evolve. Transcending synchronicity I seal the matrix of navigation with the cosmic tone of presence. I am guided by the power of birth.

Kin 117-Red 13 Cosmic Earth

Synchronicity Today-Thursday

11 Spectral Stop Codon in an evolving RNA sequence mediated by Pluto

Spacetime Sync

11Pluto 3x, 11Mercury, and 3Neptune are moving in time. Mercury is retrograde. An antipode challenge if White 11 Spectral Dog is dissolving a love relationship that is no longer viable but with the Mercury retrograde and Mercury mediating White 11 Dog, it’s a bad scene. Fortunately, Red 3 Electric Dragon, primordial blood memory, or family is supportive.

This Mercury mediated antipode looms large below in the 3D Space lineup.

  • The Moon continues its transit of Leo until 10:11 AM EDT, when it heads into analytical Virgo. (Sync between Yellow 11 Sun with Leo, its ruler in space.)
  • While the Leo Moon is expressive and fiery, the Moon in Virgo is modest and practical-minded. (Virgo is ruled by Mercury in Space, so it syncs with White 11 Dog in time.)
  • As the day advances, we approach an alignment of Venus and retrograde Mercury, and there can be quite a bit of ruminating or conversing about past relationships. This can be a time of new reveals about old issues. We’re inclined to analyze feelings or relationships, particularly past ones, and intellectualize our affections. (Again, the vibe of the antipode in a love relationship)
  • We tend to chat, socialize, and flatter when Mercury and Venus meet, and with Mercury retrograde, we may be looking back and clarifying feelings or connections. This is a cooperative influence that stirs our desire for harmony and balance, and as a result, we may not dig too deeply. Mentally, we’re not as disciplined as usual, preferring to chat and think about pleasant things. It’s a friendly time, but it’s also a time for looking back at old issues in a new, although possibly glossed-over, way. Whether or not glossing over is helpful is the question — some things belong in the past. We can feel as if we are starting fresh. Certainly, our ideas feel new and exciting, even if we are recycling some old perspectives. (Still the antipode)
  • The Moon is void from 8:03 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to the Sun), until the Moon enters Virgo at 10:11 AM EDT.


The 5gforce for Uplevel

I activate in order to enlighten. Bonding life I seal the matrix of universal fire with the electric tone of service. I am guided by the power of flowering. I am a polar kin. I establish the yellow galactic spectrum.

Kin120-Yellow Electric Sun

We’re ending a 20-day cycle that started with 5Dragon and we experienced two big sun pivots on 4/ 8. White Dog and the sunspot cycle time pivot that ends today. NOAA has confirmed that TIME has changed.
It feels like I’m being programmed by the mothership with this ringing in my ears from these high levels.

Synchronicity Today-Sunday

13Cosmic Moon Methionine is pulsing to correct our perception of feelings.

We enter a new HF44 today headed up by Red 13 Cosmic Moon mediated by Mercury and Red 13 Skywalker mediated by Mars. It’s an exact sync with 3D astrology.

13 Red Skywalker is the guide power today, and that’s me, so here it is. Humans grow from compassion that takes action. Then, proper change occurs. Compassion means with passion, and passion is not feelings. It’s true heart love. It’s a high frequency.

True love for another or yourself is not sympathy or pity. It’s problem solving in the midst of real need. It isn’t a handout, a rescue, or codependent. You have to think after you know how you feel.

Compassion is a rational problem solving for yourself or someone who is suffering or in pain. You have to think straight and apply problem-solving skills passionately, not sit and sulk. Do something about it.

I have many feelings, and I’m able to express them. I’m not very repressed. But I channel those feelings to become more intuitive and rational to problem solve. I move to detachment after I know how I feel and work to solve the problem.

I’m not at the “Sermon in the Mount” level of turning the other cheek and love your enemies usually. Or letting someone use me on purpose, which J.C. did. He was a true martyr, the poster child example, in fact, and I don’t deny his choice to live and die as he did. The explanation in the Urantia Book is profound, but I didn’t come here to do that. He apparently did.

Remember J.C. was human, so he felt guilt, pain, and heartbreak over what his creation had become due to Tiamat. He had to be able to understand the great suffering caused by great evil so that he could be compassionate with us due to local universe mistakes that were not our fault.

When you give people free will, that’s what can happen and did in our local system, which he created! It’s like a parent whose child becomes a serial killer. The parent didn’t cause their child’s actions, but the parents beget that seed. And J.C. is there for them in their suffering and understands their pain. Empathy is powerful, but they still have to deal with it themselves. And individuals are responsible for their choices and actions, not someone else, although you wouldn’t know it the way our politics is going. We’re descending into lawlessness and anarchy again.

Spacetime Sync

Moving in time are Mercury, Mars, Pluto, and Earth. We are in high sync today.

  • The Moon continues its transit of Pisces until 7:25 AM EDT, aligning with Neptune and highlighting the need to unwind, go with the flow, or accept and forgive.
  • The Moon in Aries from 7:25 AM forward stirs a solid desire to start fresh.
  • With the Moon’s midday alignment with Venus, we’re more likely to accommodate or mediate. We can also be more indulgent, and we gravitate to activities that bring more beauty and harmony to our lives. However, the Aries Moon is direct, independent, straightforward, and action-oriented. We recognize our need for self-direction and initiative.
  • The Moon is void from 4:27 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Neptune), until the Moon enters Aries at 7:25 AM EDT.

The 5gforce for uplevel

I unify in order to play. Attracting illusion I seal the process of magic with the magnetic tone of purpose. I am guided by my own power double.

Kin 131-Blue 1 Magnetic Monkey in HF33

Remote View on the ScR

It’s NASA and SpaceX in cooperation on behalf of the Feds. After looking at more ScR data today it is also the ICC, the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate for profit on Jupiter and Saturn working through our DNA that is mediated by them. That is Blue Eagle~Yellow Seed and Blue Night~Yellow Warrior. It pulses to our shoulders, arms and hands. I will elaborate when I post the ScR for today.

Synchronicity Today-4/2/24

8Valine, Maya symbol is 8Seed.
This gateway is about galactic FOCUS. We need to line up our  manifested life with the values of galactic consciousness.

Spacetime Sync

Mediated in 4D time are Jupiter, Venus, the asteroid belt, and Uranus. Maya symbols are Yellow 8 Seed~Blue 8 Eagle, Yellow 8 Star, White 8 Wizard, and Red 8 Earth.

  • With a Capricorn Moon, we strive for increased self-sufficiency today. We’re more goal-oriented and particularly aware of our responsibilities and performance. Practical matters are in the spotlight.
  • While we tend to stick with the traditional or tried-and-true with this transit, the Moon’s harmony with Jupiter and Uranus points to a simultaneous desire to grow, improve, and advance. (Exact sync with theme, analog, and Hidden Wisdom mediated by Jupiter and Uranus.)
  • Today’s Mercury-Venus semi-sextile has a way of subtly contrasting a logical and playful approach. We can say things we don’t mean/feel as we flit between consulting our brains and our hearts.
    However, we’re making an effort to understand one another. (Exact sync with our Venus mediated Yellow 8 Star)
  • With tonight’s Sun-Saturn semi-sextile, we don’t find it straightforward to enjoy ourselves without a vague feeling that we may be neglecting a responsibility.
  • Fortunately, we’re heading toward a Sun-Pluto quintile, and we might gain an advantage or edge through design, solving problems, and willingness to challenge ourselves. We’re ready to put effort and extra work into pursuing our desires. (Pluto mediated Yellow Sun shows up on April 6.)


The 5gforce for meditation

I organize in order to question. Balancing fearlessness I seal the output of intelligence with the rhythmic tone of equality. I am guided by my own power doubled.

Kin 136-Yellow 6 Rhythmic Warrior

Synchronicity Today-Monday, 4/1/24 in 3D

The Solar Eclipse is a week from today. Today begins a Mercury Retrograde, adding another twist to the pivot on April 8. It is time to go within, channel, be quiet, and remote view.

Today is Blue 7 Night, the Maya symbol for A.A. Alanine

Spacetime Sync

We are mediated by Saturn on a 7~7pulse to the Hidden Wisdom, White 7 Mirror. Also, moving in 4D are Jupiter, Mars, and Neptune.

  • Shortly into the day, the Moon enters Capricorn (the day is mediated by SATURN in time which rules Cap. Sync.), and we seek to be more organized, responsible, and on top of things.
  • However, the Last Quarter Moon occurs tonight when the Capricorn Moon forms a square to the Aries Sun, and our sense of responsibility or the proper/mature path can conflict with our personal plans.
  • Now and until the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on the 8th, starting a significant project is not ideal. Instead, it’s time to finish details and tie up loose ends. We can channel the quarter Moon’s crisis-oriented energy into productivity or stress ourselves out.
  • While the Capricorn Moon seeks clarity, cloudy thinking or confusion can figure strongly today with Mercury stationing and turning retrograde. Communication can be tricky, and it can be hard to focus on cold, hard facts. Mercury will remain retrograde until April 25th and will stay in the sign of Aries for the duration. During this time, our thinking turns inward as we review and re-assess matters. Mercury retrograde periods can be times of heightened inner awareness, when meditation, benefiting from keeping a journal, reworking old plans, and reviewing past work are favored. Minor breaks in the mechanical aspects of communication can reconnect us to other, possibly more meaningful, means of communication. We might look at past decisions and ideas from a new, enlightened perspective. It can be a time of tension. However, as Mercury in Aries wants immediate answers and retrograde, Mercury can point to delays and indecision. We should be especially careful with our choice of topics and wording. The chances of sharp or brusque comments doing some damage run high.
  • With Mercury in Aries, we prefer to learn from hands-on experience rather than instruction, and not listening during this Mercury retrograde period can be especially costly. Keep in mind that Mercury in Aries’ haste to communicate (or perhaps more accurately, to get communications out of the way) can work against us or can be more consequential during Mercury retrograde. There can be texts or emails sent to the wrong people, for example, or quick commentary that’s considered careless. It’s crucial to be cautious and attentive in our communication during this period.
  • The Moon is void today only until 12:06 AM EDT, when it enters Capricorn.


The 5GForce for Uplevel in Mind-Body-Spirit

I channel in order to evolve. Inspiring synchronicity I seal the matrix of navigation with the resonant tone of attunement. I am guided by the power of universal water.

Kin 137-Red 7 Resonant Earth