How does the 13Moon calendar of 28 days each merge with the astrological assessment of the solar year?

The Mayan HAAB

The Maya did it with The Haab. It’s a mistake to superimpose the inaccurate 1592 Catholic Gregorian calendar onto the perfectly aligned Harmonic and 13 Moon Calendar and try to get a correct answer about your astrological sign. It would be like dipping your perfect chocolate cupcake with frosting in vinegar.

It’s sour to me daily that, to get along socially, I still have to give one iota of attention to the Gregorian calendar. The Catholic Church doesn’t exist for me. They are unreal, and they instituted the Gregorian Calendar after Pope Gregory. They are the authors of the time warp in cooperation with the ICC. Time is money and blood sacrifice. No, it’s not. Time is LIFE , art, and creativity.

Astrologers don’t observe and assess the stars using the Gregorian calendar. They calculate in 30-day increments because they see the Sun shining on that constellation of stars for that long, about 30 days, roughly the 20th of a month to the 20th of the next month. But because the Gregorian is so chaotic and distracting, they adjust it monthly based on what they see in the stellar alignments.

Astrology follows the sun and stars, their position and movements with the sun, which is factual astronomy and then, like us, has to stick it into a mistaken calendar run by The Church. I don’t do that with the Harmonic, but the astrologers do.

The Haab

It is a perfected and ancient maya synchronization technique that aligns the accurate movement of the earth around the sun in space or astronomy/astrology. Interacting with the planets, known to be 365 days approximately, because the earths rotation speed keeps changing. It sprockets the earth and sun cycles with the perfect universal 260-day cycle, which is the length of the harmonic.

The Maya harmonic is unifying multidimensionally and exponentially based on 13:20 or the vigesimal (20) calendar. The 365-day solar cycle is not, but that is what astrologers use, plus the lunar calendar, so it is 3D. The Maya Harmonic gives us calculations up to 5D so far, and it is orderly and mathematically correct with cosmic cycles. It is well known and accepted that the Maya were the best at time keeping, so we definitely need to use the harmonic to get on track as a jump off point.

Once binary code is usurped, which I’m working on, it will likely expand our manifested math to ten dimensions. I’m working on changing the computer code and aligning it with the harmonic so our human tools are aligned with the rhythm of our bodies. Nobody thinks I can do it. 🤔🫡

The short of it is that the 12:60 Gregorian Calendar is illegitimate, illogical, incorrect and time warping keeping our mindset stuck in the past until the Reptilian species can figure out how to survive their nanite infestation. My position is that the good ones who are not infested can live, and the rest can die off.

5 unlucky days called the vayeb

30 days×12 months=360. Then there is the Maya vayeb.

The five nameless days at the end of the calendar, called Wayebʼ, were thought to be a dangerous time. It’s superstition as there is no such thing as luck. There is only synchronicity. Or maybe Westerners used the term unlucky. We believe in luck, not the Maya.

Foster (2002) writes,

During Wayeb, portals between the mortal realm and the Underworld dissolved. No boundaries prevented the ill-intending deities from causing disasters.” To ward off these evil spirits, the Mayans had customs and rituals they practiced during Wayebʼ. For example, the Mayans would not leave their homes or wash their hair.

Gee, it sounds like what’s happening right now with the assault on our culture.


So the jumping off point for correct time is the 28-day Moon cycle of which there are 13. There are 13 full moon’s in a 365-day solar year. The 13 Moon Calendar is included in every app you can use on the internet. I just use the harmonic because I’m constantly studying the exponential cycles.

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