The 57th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination

November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the Deep State led by his Vice President, LBJ and the CIA. His own party killed him because he was going to reveal secrets about the Moon and the solar system that would kill profits for multi-national corporations who were benefitting from business operations locally.

Now it’s November 22, 2020 and the corrupt cabal is finally being chipped away person by person by the current Administration because of the incredible damage they have done to the entire world population. It’s a small world. This is obviously no longer just about the U.S. In fact the CV2 oppression is worse in Europe especially than it is here.

Americans have a talent for ignoring what makes no sense to them, what they don’t like and what goes against the law. We are only communal and cooperative to a point and it’s way past that point. We are a FREE PEOPLE on this continent despite the wishes of the elite and the state and local governments. How? Because we say so and that is very American. I don’t actually know one person in my local area in Michigan who would not go Harry Carey if the Governor actually tried to step on our necks. She’d have to be out of her mind and she basically is. This is not a passive state by any means and it’s part of why I live here. We are very independent and rely on each other and the earth, not the government.

Today is White 4 Self-Existing Mirror. We define in order to reflect. A good way to define is by making a list, pro and con, a maybe column, talking to a good friend, or journaling. We are trying to wind up TIME, the time we have on the planet to make sure we’re using it wisely. Timelessness is an attribute today which says time isn’t real anyway. It’s ironic. There is Time and there isn’t Time. I suppose it’s part of duality like light and dark.

The energy supports being alone and pondering our own current situation, what we want, what we intend, and ideas about how that might occur and what to do next if anything. Neptune is the mediating planet which is very dreamy and even sketchy. Red 4 Dragon is the support so that is the grounding here. Red Dragon was the beginning of everything on Earth and they are Tribe #1. White Mirror is Tribe #18 but that is only in the context of the 20 tribes of time.

In the context of the 0-19 code they are #2 and #19 which add up to 21. The 0-19 code runs the interplanetary HOLON which controls the galactic inbreath and the solar outbreath of TIME. That is the implicate and explicate order of the matrix. What we SEE in 3D is the solar outbreath of manifestation or what is EXPLICATED. The Source of that is Galactic Center or what is IMPLICATED. What is implicated is breathed INTO BEING by the GROUP MIND. This can get very complicated but every single person and sentient being with intention, feelings and mind is part of the SOUP that is LIFE in the solar system. It truly is a super power and and great, great equalizer of all beings on a planet that is convinced that there is no justice and the politicians are more powerful than us to exact justice. It’s not the case. Justice is an inside job. Be JUST to yourself first and it will snowball to everyone outside of you automatically. You don’t have to EXACT it. It’s a universal truth by the laws of karma. Take your own hands off of what belongs to the Universe because their vision is wider than yours. Mind your own business. How are you not being true or fair to yourself? Take care of that.

Yes there is justice. We all have a body, Mind, and Heart with great power of pondering and decision making. If people knew how powerful they were when they make a decision ABOUT THEMSELVES they wouldn’t be so distracted by Twitter and Instagram. All that does is distract us from focusing on our own power of creation. That’s the motive of A.I., artificial intelligence; to siphon our power from us to feed itself. A. I. is a vampire.

The Guide Power is White 4 Self-Existing Wizard. This is a very receptive, spiritual kin. It is conducive to chanelling.

The Antipode Challenge is Yellow 4 Self-Existing Star . As I said above, what do you want to beautify and create? Where is your harmony and balance?

The Hidden Wisdom is Blue 10 Planetary Night. This says that the answers are already there in your grounding, in your body, in the dark fertile corners of your being. It’s the blessed dark that balances the blessed light. We are in that season with Winter Solstice coming up December 21. Blue Night is about abundance. Everything we need is in our HEALTH, a focused mind and body in balance.

The 5GForce is White 10 Planetary Wizard. That is manifested timelessness on Earth. What does that look like? Art. Writing, getting your creative mojo going so that you’re spinning it out and EXPRESSING something that comes from your dance with the Universe IN YOU. You can’t do that if you’re distracted by others, food, alcohol, partying, accumulating more stuff, etc. Time to focus.

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