Synchronicity Today-Saturday

7Methionine, the Maya symbol is Red 7 Resonant Moon Mulac.

We enter a new HF48 today; A Planetary Process to formulate FREE WILL to achieve MANIFESTATION as we move to Yellow 10 Planetary Human (Humans that execute and manifest their vision) over 4 days.

“Vision without execution is hallucination.”-Henry Ford.

He was White 5 Radiant Mirror so his visions were radiant to that point and he achieved much. But his Guide Power was radiant death/change 5WorldBridger so there is the impetus to manifest. What is your guide power? Check it today. Mine is Cosmic Synchronicity 13Earth. I am 100% convinced that the planet needs to understand their personal synchronicity in the matrix to improve their lives. It’s never wrong and would decrease the mountains of error in incorrect time on Earth. It’s not a virtue to make constant mistakes.

The overarching YiChing is 52-The Keeping Still Mountain/Meditation

The binary code streaming from this is 001001. Ok then. That’s the interpretation of the symbol in the upper corner. But Leibniz saw that as blind math, and now it controls our planet with computer chips programmed like this. The DNA nucleotide it translates to is TCG or Serine amino acid. This nucleotide is 4 kin composed of 5 amino acids and 2 hertz level tones each. I have to expand his god-like worshiped binary 3D prison duality of fallacy computer code. He thought GOD was 0 and 1. Error.

The Chinese never taught that about the YiChing hexagrams. I suppose in the 17th century, with their culturist bias that still exists today, he wasn’t about to ask them what their ancient oracle meant. It means life, source, us, and evolution, and it needs to be programmed into everything.

TIMEspace Sync

Mediating 4D time is 7Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, and Earth. This is 7~7pulse in sync with F2 in the Magnetosphere.

F2 is the yellow line. At the moment, all the frequencies are beta-alpha hz. Even F1 is alpha regularly now, not theta 7.83hz. Nada.
  • Today’s Sagittarius Moon is enthusiastic and idealistic. We’re more optimistic and forward-looking with this transit. We may feel compelled to state our truth and tend to go big with our ideas, ethics, beliefs, causes, and promotions. The Sagittarius Moon encourages us to explore, learn, and discover. We can thoroughly enjoy a sense of mission now–we want to make or do something special today.
  • However, with Venus semi-sextile Mars, we might struggle with whether to take a direct or indirect approach to getting what we want. We may be better off recognizing that it doesn’t have to be one way or the other–a combination would be ideal, or else the see-sawing can be confusing to all.

The 5gforce for meditation 🧘‍♂️ ✨️

I channel in order to play. Inspiring illusion I seal the process of magic with the resonant tone of attunement. I am guided by the power of abundance. I am a galactic activation portal. FOCUS!

Kin 111-Blue 7 Resonant Monkey

Resonant tone of Attunement

Achieving organic balance allows you to start channeling attunement. Attunement is a direct experience of aligning one’s own bodies. A person who is not tuned in to harmony feels discomfort and dissatisfaction. Tone 7 also teaches us to recognize the resonance of people and phenomena. Without learning how to conduct their strict selection, it is impossible to enjoy the fruits of such attunement. Laying channels of energy from your resonant center, you will begin to give peace and grace to the world. This is a natural way to release the mystical power of inspiration.

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