Prose; Here’s to the Betas


Here’s to Betas…. red, black, and brown,
Nerds, freaks, and hacks. SubGenius clowns,
Women and children, hit hardest when down,
All stripes and all creeds, fat, shy in all towns.

Full of faith and good deeds all over the place,
No time for much make-up to cover their face
We don’t care about race, place of birth or your tastes,
Your character and actions are Beta Base.

Common sense, no big muscles, not much money in the bank.
What you think is slick we think is a skank,
The gasoline that we put in our tank
Is ruining the planet, we have Alphas to thank!

We’re beta, so real that no secrets leak out.
We like normal sex, a good time, knockabout.
Folks with a heart, a core, and three jobs,
Who work, love and vote and don’t whine about snobs.

Let people be different, no victims right here,
respect those with skills or a trade that pays bills!
Don’t let others mistreat you, least of all Alpha straights
who like those like themselves, their gender and rank.

They have shelves and ambition, ideas to spread,
Tons of money, big houses and charge you BIG RENT.
The men prefer men, the women, the women.
Promiscuous, decadence, mighty high livin’.

Tons of muscles, corporate welfare, nice suits, and big gold.
They voted for Trump and Merica has gone cold.

Rise up all you betas, warm it up with respect,
Kill your tech, hoe your garden, talk neighbor neglect.
Speak to others, join in, sing and dance all you want.
Betas gonna come up sure as tomorrow dawns.

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