Synchronicity Today-Thursday-4/26/24

Earth. Our Home and millions of other species home as well.

Mercury stations direct today. I’ve had a lovely time as an Aries sun with it retrograde through my sign.

Mercury mediates Red Moon~White Dog tribes which are the Start codon Methionine and Aspartic acid in DNA sequencing.

Amino acid protein Isoleucine is evolving in a focused manner as time in our bodies.


Isoleucine is the oxygen-carrying pigment inside of red blood cells and helps to make hemoglobin. It is also helpful in controlling blood sugar, boosting energy, and improving endurance. Isoleucine is known to help speed healing of injured muscle and support muscle development and lean body mass. (Synchronicity with the ancient Maya attributed to Manik, Blue Hand)

Spacetime Sync

Planets moving in 4D time are Earth, Jupiter, Uranus, and Maldek.

  • The Moon spends much of the day (until 9:38 PM EDT) in the sign of Scorpio.
  • Its opposition to Jupiter and Uranus temporarily places us on the other side of our recent innovations. We could encounter resistance from others or from within. However, these surprising events and resistance can be seen as opportunities for personal growth and understanding, mainly through our relationships and the illumination of a different perspective. This energy is rebellious and touchy, especially if we feel constrained. We may need to deal with distractions and feelings of discontent, which could lead to unexpected tangents. Disruptions now may prompt a desire to explore motivations and understand meanings. (This aspect is in sync with our guide power 5Blue Eagle mediated by Jupiter and our antipode Red 4 Earth mediated by Uranus. Our perspective might be out of sync.)
  • Mercury stations and turns direct today after retrograde motion since April 1st. This shift brings with it the potential for improved communication and decision-making. Over the coming weeks, problems we may have encountered while Mercury was retrograde should start to improve. The answers we’ve been waiting for can arrive. Plans or projects that have stalled might now resume. However, energies that are hard to make sense of can flood our consciousness as the change takes place today such that critical decision-making might be avoided for the time being, as our thinking can be temporarily skewed. It’s not yet a time of keen judgment as we don’t have all the details. However, clarity is coming, and things are moving forward.
  • The Moon heads into daring Sagittarius at 9:38 PM EDT, where it will transit until Sunday morning. This transition brings with it a sense of hope and possibility, opening our minds to new ideas and experiences. We can feel wonderfully optimistic about the future.
  • The Moon is void from 7:17 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Neptune), until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 9:38 PM EDT.


5gforce for uplevel

I pulse in order to explore. Realizing wakefulness I seal the output of space with the solar tone of intention. I am guided by the power of universal water. I am a galactic activation portal. FOCUS!


Three layers of the Van Allen Belts are visible,  four tones in each layer for a total of twelve. These are SOUND measured at hertz levels.

There is a fourth belt that they either don’t see or don’t want to see that takes us up to 4D. I call it the cosmic layer. C1 is Tone 13. Then, C2, 3, and 4 would be Tones 14, 15, and 16. We are a long distance from awareness of those. Just sayin’.

All is pulsing low for now.

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